You Might Have Missed It, But A Long Time Ago, While You Were Sleeping, The Internet Died...

2 years ago


A Real Life Matrix Created By The Machine With The Help Of The Owners
We treat everything that happens on the internet as a ‘real interaction. Real as though the people we’re interacting with are people, and not just a computer program designed to mimic human interaction.
Enter bots, misinformation, disinformation, echo chambers, deep fakes, fake accounts and completely biased corporate algorithms?
Then, there are sites that control the search engines, enter: google, reddit, twitter, instagram, youtube, tiktok, wikipedia, the banks, non governmental organizations, governmental organizations, get the drift. And then, there are the same old, tired, repeating links to these companies when you perform a search.
All original content on the internet, all independent, unsponsored, unfiltered voices are being killed by AI, bots, corporate interests and oligarchs.


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