Riverdale, NJ Meet The Candidates 10/19/22 Part2

1 year ago

I am speaking in my capacity as a private citizen, and not in my capacity as a board member. These statements are also not representative of the board or its individual members.

Please join Facebook Group - Riverdale Education Awareness (REA) for more information. For more videos you can search lsferrara8 on Rumble. God Bless.

Riverdale, NJ Meet the Candidates 10/19/22 (2 Parts)

PANEL ORDER- Moderator Jill Morano, Jessican Rentas, Anne Marie Nadiroglu, Kathleen (Katie) Miceli, Lisa Ferrara

1. Anne Marie Nadiroglu 2. Kathleen (Katie) Miceli 3. Lisa Ferrara 4. Jessica Rentas

Part 1 - https://rumble.com/v1otqj8-riverdale-nj-meet-the-candidates-101922-part1.html 1 minute - Opening Speeches, 11 min - What is the Biggest concern facing our district?, 17 min - How can the Board be accessible to the community & provide transparency while providing confidentiality?, 24:30 - What is the role of schools in teaching children sex ed, cyber safety, health & wellness and bullying, 34 - How does the School Board balance the need to provide education with the need to respond to local taxpayer burden? and What are your thoughts on the $18 mil referendum to renovate the school?
Part 2 - https://rumble.com/v1ou06q-riverdale-nj-meet-the-candidates-101922-part2.html 6:50 min - What is the definition of equality? How is our school handling student equality and inclusion? What can be done different? 14:30 min - How would you respond to a parent who want the Board to remove books from the school library or classroom? 22 min - What are your personal attributes that would make us want to vote for you?

Get out and Vote on 11/8 at the Community Center
3 School Board Positions are open. Your vote matters for the future of our children.

Riverdale Health Curriculum 10/27/22 - a 30-minute presentation on the scope, sequence, and two specific lessons (Gender Identity and Sexting)
Part 1 https://rumble.com/v1qih5n-riverdale-health-curriculum-102722-1-of-2.html I lost video for a few minutes.
Part 2 https://rumble.com/v1qir0d-riverdale-health-curriculum-102722-2-of-2.html
1 min- Gender, Define LQBTQIA+, Sexual Orientation, 4 min – Sexting & video, 10 min - Public Comments/Questions Bathrooms, Locker rooms, Library content on Gender & Sex, Transgender Policy and your child without informing the parents, Why are we teaching this, Opting Out, All of the Board Voted YES to this except Keith Hamilton, taught in 3 & 4th Marking Period, 25:40 Superintendent says, “We take into consideration the concerns of the community that we serve, the whole community.”

Riverdale, NJ BOE Meeting 10/20/22 (2 parts)
Part 1 https://rumble.com/v1pl8it-riverdale-nj-boe-meeting-102022-part-1.html
Presentations for 2022 Statewide Assessment results & HIB self assessment, 30 min - Retirement of Asst. BA Toma Dedio,
Part 2 Jessica Rentas reviews Scope & Sequence 6-8 Health Curriculum, 8min - STI's, Sexting, Sexual abuse, Gender, 19 min - Public Comment, 24:35 min - Question regarding Covid Injection to be added to school vaccination schedule

$18mil Referendum Riverdale School 10/12/22
Part 1 https://rumble.com/v1nqqn0-riverdale-nj-school-referendum-101222.html
Part 2 https://rumble.com/v1nqva8-18mil-referendum-riverdale-nj-school-101222-part-2.html

A lot of time and effort went into this project with a detailed slideshow presentation. A Riverdale District Wide Facilities Audit was completed in 2016 finding a need for $4.5 mil in capital improvements. This project has an Estimated $18 mil budget, with $3.5 mil from debt service aid, leaving $15 mil to be funded in Riverdale taxes. Estimate increase is $385/family based on an assessed home of $334k, so if your home is assessed at 500k, you can estimate an increase in taxes of about $576. Note - In addition, we all received notices that the town will reassess our real estate taxes annually. Expected project completion is 2027. A 13 1/2% cushion was included for price gouging/overages/unforeseen expenditures. The dropoff entrance will be on Newark Pompton Turnpike between the crossing guard and the parking lot. It is unclear what the fee for Solutions will be for handling the project. The interest rate on the loan is estimated at 4.5% with a 25 yr term. The plan was submitted to the DOE in May 2022 and is awaiting DOE approval, which is expected in December.

Proposed Referendum Plan link https://cdn5-ss20.sharpschool.com/UserFiles/Servers/Server_441589/File/Referendum/Referendum%20Public%20Presentation%20-%20FINAL%20RIVERDALE%2010.12.22%20(2).pdf

Mark your calendar to VOTE on the referendum. You get to vote this coming winter, 3/14/23. Details hopefully will be mailed to all residents as this affects the whole town. Since the weather conditions at this time may deter senior citizens from getting outside, is there another option for them to vote?

Riverdale is District 11. Interviews from Congressional candidates can be seen here. https://act.jersey1st.org/candidate-forums/

Next Board Meeting, Thursday 10/20/22 7pm. 6-8 grade health curriculum will be approved. A petition was submitted with 123 signatures and it was asked that the curriculum be made available to the parents.

RIVERDALE PETITION to Create a resolution to oppose 2020 NJSLS Comp. Health & Phys Ed Curriculum - 8th grade will have 3 classes 40 minute lessons on each of the following: sexting, sexual abuse and gender. We need a town wide effort to make sure this Inappropriate Curriculum NEVER makes it into our school. Please help share this petition link https://chng.it/LkRkWwHZ. Thank you to all who already have signed this and are helping to pass this around.

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