David Shaw - How I Will Lower the Crime Rate as Mayor

2 years ago

In this brief video, David Shaw, mayoral candidate for Mississauga, answers the question, "How will you lower crime rates?"

🌐 Website: https://iwillworkforthepeople.ca

📬 Email: mayordavid2022mississauga@proton.me

👉👉 Election day: October 24, 2022

To check if you are on the voter list & register if eligible: https://mississaugavotes.ca/for-voters/am-i-on-the-voters-list If you register on that website, you should keep a record of the confirmation code.

Election Day poll stations: https://mississaugavotes.ca/for-voters/where-do-i-vote

🗺 Google map of Election Day voting stations: https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?entry=yt&mid=1NDrKd_QPlDMKpb3z6uq2hZtRy4G8vF0&ll=43.61931312791047%2C-79.67292420000001&z=11

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