100 SUBSCRIBERS!!! What's next?!?

2 years ago

Sorry for not uploading for so long but... WE GOT TO 100 SUBS!!! These are some of our plans for the future. This video took so long to make because of school. Honestly, it might be another few months until I upload again. Thanks for watching and subscribing!

Thanks to @DIY aerospace for the Mach Machine suggestion!
Apogee article: https://www.apogeerockets.com/education/downloads/Newsletter563.pdf
Wikipedia nosecone shape article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nose_cone_design
Apogee Zephyr Jr. rocket: https://www.apogeerockets.com/Model-Rocket-Kits/Skill-Level-3-Model-Rocket-Kits/Zephyr-Jr
Openrocket simulator: https://openrocket.info

0:00 Intro
0:25 Thrust Vector Control
2:30 Altimeter & Zephyr Jr.
4:06 PVC Rocket?!?!?
8:42 Outro

#modelrockets #space

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