The Alex Jones Show - FULL SHOW 10/19/22

2 years ago

These psychotic depopulationists have LITERALLY brought the planet to the verge of global biological armageddon! They must be stopped and arrested NOW! Tune in and share this link like your lives depended on it!

You have arrived at the tip of the spear in the information war! The transhumanist globalists have unleashed a war on every front you can imagine (and many you can’t) to assure humanity’s extinction! The blueprint to defeat this evil is now here! Order Alex Jones' new book about The Great Reset before it's too late! Link in this article!

The blueprint to defeat the NWO is now here! Order Alex Jones' new book about The Great Reset before it's too late!

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Left-wing radicals are attempting to destroy Alex Jones via the court system! Please help Alex by making a donation to his legal defense at to keep him in the fight! Don't let the NWO be successful with their latest weapon against Free Speech!

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