Pезонанс шумана 🌎 14.3 Hz Beta 🌎 Gateway Experience 🌎Cosmic Traveler🌎 Mother Earth Meditation

2 years ago

Pезонанс шумана 🌎 14.3 Hz Beta 🌎 Gateway Experience 🌎Cosmic Traveler🌎 Mother Earth Meditation

Find the full album here: https://dhyanaexpress.com/products/earths-magnetic-resonance-w-atmospheric-ambience

What are Schumann’s Resonances? Schumann resonances are peaks in the ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) part of the electromagnetic spectrum that manifest within the space between the earths surface and the upper part of the atmosphere known as the ionosphere.

This closed spherical Earth-ionosphere cavity acts as a huge cavity resonator, in which electromagnetic disturbances such as lightning strikes, cause the cavity to ring at specific frequencies causing Schumann Resonances.

The Schumann resonance – also called “the heartbeat of the earth” – and our brainwaves have a surprising similarity. They both operate in the same frequency range. Even more surprising is that they interact with each other. When the Schumann resonance rises or peaks, it directly influences our brain activity and thus our behavior.

OHM. My name is Asriel, the creator of this channel. I am here to serve through sharing musical frequencies that heal and unlock the fullness of the human potential.

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✨Audius: https://bit.ly/3x7KqrD 👈

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