( -0436 ) Why Did They Really Avoid Non-EUA Approval? (Hint: Their Body Language Shows Nuremburg 2.0 Is Closing In!)

2 years ago

Permanent Liability Protection For Big Pharma Jab Makers Against U.S. Adults As Well As Children, What's That? (It Won't Last - With the right effort by voters over the next 5-10 years, Congress may overturn the law [H.R.5546 - National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986]. Or the Supreme Court may ultimately rule that Congress had no right to take away a citizen's right to redress.

Vote For Outsiders & We'll Turn the Tables On Sell-Outs Fast!

Wollensky can still be pressured not to sign off on this (but its highly likely - she's bought and paid for.)

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