Discover Happiness And Your Full Potential With Dr. Nicole Bradford

2 years ago

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Happiness, Fulfillment and Mental Health Today

What does happiness or fulfillment mean to you, as the world readjusts to the shifting narratives of what is truth and what is lie we are faced with a giant hurdle. This hurdle is mental health and with me today I have Dr. Nicole Bradford to discuss what it's like to come into this world with nothing but to own it and make it exciting, fun and fulfilling.

You ever wonder what happened to that spark you had as a kid. The feeling of possibility or excitement that ran through you every day. If you do then your not alone, I too have wondered this because I myself have held on to that feeling as an adult. I'm not perfect at times I too have depression, anxiety, stress and I too worry of the uncertain future. However I try to always get back to the state of mind that I held as a kid, endless possibilities to achieving whatever I set my mind to.

While doing so if your lucky you may happen to discover your self perhaps for the very first time in your life. As you learn about this part of your being you then can begin to define happiness and what fulfillment means to you. Dr. Bradford and I discuss in great length the struggles of young adults and the burdens of adults today as we all navigate our lives in the many different masks we wear day to day and from person to person.

The Illness

At this moment in history we have alarming numbers of mental illness ranging from different age groups and being as high as 20% of the population. According to Mental Health America a non-profit organization the stats are out and it's showing us that in 2022 this crisis is the next major battle for the U.S. Founded in 1909 by Clifford W. Beers, Mental Health America (MHA) is the nation's leading community-based nonprofit dedicated to addressing the needs of those living with mental illness and promoting the overall mental health of all.

The key findings for 2022 and moving into 2023 show us the following data regarding the state of Americans nationwide

In 2019-2020, 20.78% of adults were experiencing a mental illness. That is equivalent to over 50 million Americans.
The vast majority of individuals with a substance use disorder in the U.S. are not receiving treatment. 15.35% of adults had a substance use disorder in the past year. Of them, 93.5% did not receive any form of treatment.
Millions of adults in the U.S. experience serious thoughts of suicide, with the highest rate among multiracial individuals. The percentage of adults reporting serious thoughts of suicide is 4.84%, totaling over 12.1 million individuals. 11% of adults who identified with two or more races reported serious thoughts of suicide in 2020 – 6% higher than the average among all adults.
More on these stats can be found here at MHA

Thanks for the eyes, ears and your time.

#mentalhealth #education #childrenoftomorrow #depression #anxiety #stress #love #hate #thedailydose #arksmokeshop

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