SWIMMERS BEWARE: 6000 LB Monster Fish Caught In Atlantic Ocean

2 years ago

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A giant sunfish believed to be the world’s heaviest bony fish has been discovered in the Azores archipelago, Portugal, weighing a whopping 2,744 kilograms (3 tons).

Researchers said the animal was found dead, floating near Faial Island in the central North Atlantic in December.

Although found last year, details of the discovery have only recently been published in the Journal of Fish Biology.

Studied by researchers from the Atlantic Naturalist Association and the Azores University for biometrical and morphological data, both in Portugal, the fish was pulled to shore where the animal was weighed, measured and tissue sampled for DNA testing.

There are around 29,000 species of bony fish, which have a skeletal bone structure, making them the majority of the world’s fish species.

The carcass is more than 400 kilograms (882 pounds) heavier than the previous world record holder for heaviest bony fish – a 2,300-kilogram (5,070-pound) female giant sunfish caught off Kamogawa in Japan in 1996.

The sunfish was weighed with a crane scale dynamometer – a device designed to weigh loads typically hoisted by a crane – after being raised above ground using a forklift truck.

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