March 21, 2015 ❤️ Jesus says... Release your Loved Ones to Me & Persevere in your Dance with Me

2 years ago

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Come My Brides! Persevere in your Dance with Me…

March 21, 2015 – Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

Jesus began… “I know that many of you are deeply troubled for your loved ones. The loved ones who have turned away from Me, that is obvious, and the less obvious, those who have grown cold and lukewarm, running from Me, filling their time with emptiness to avoid coming to terms with where they are at. Many of you are married to those in that state.”

“Do not trouble yourselves anymore on their behalf. I have a plan for them, it will begin after the Rapture, and, in the end when you meet again, you will not even recognize them so on fire for Me shall they be. This is My promise to you, release them into My care, bless them and move on. These shall be perfected in the furnace of affliction. I will present them to you without spot, wrinkle or blemish on that day when the whole world will rejoice in My reign. So My Beloved Brides, take a deep breath, and rest.”

“Just know that as things escalate, that evil forces are behind what will soon overtake your world. None the less you are not to be subject to them. Do not be afraid. Even as things wane and increase, I am in complete control. Don’t you see? This must come to pass, so just be ready from moment to moment, day to day. I am very pleased with the souls who have visited this channel and taken it to heart. I am very pleased that many of you have turned your hearts more and more away from the world.”

“Please persevere in your dance with Me. Don’t give up so easily. It wounds Me when My Bride does not take Me at My Word. If you have discerned that it truly is My Word, don’t give up! I will come to you, I will dance with you, all of this is in My plan to prepare you for the evil that will arise. Together in My arms We will be strong and nothing will frighten you.”

“As for My words to Clare about fear, why do you doubt? Am I without feelings for My Creatures? Am I indifferent to what lies ahead? Do I not love you deeply, so deeply that not one sparrow falls to the ground without My grief, and yet, I rejoice to pick it up and tuck it into My Bosom where Heaven truly dwells, and all creation rejoices? So know and understand that I dread the day misfortune will fall upon you, yet I will not let you despair I will lift you up to my bosom where you will find eternal joy.”

“I want YOU to be confident. Stand firm My Love, all that I have prophecied through you is about to come to pass. Pay no attention to nay sayers, no, I say, they will have their reward. Rather concentrate on these little ones I have sent you, I love to see them dancing with Me. I will bless them, they will grow in intimacy, just as you have prayed and desired from the beginning.”

(Clare) When Lord, when?

(Jesus) “Very soon Clare, very soon.”

(Clare) Oh You know how I feel about that word ‘soon’!

(Jesus) “And you know how I feel about you asking ‘when’!”

(Clare) Deep sigh, let down.

(Jesus) “Chin up, the word means the same to you as it does to Me.”

(Clare) Yes, but in the face of eternity….

(Jesus) “It still means ‘soon’.”

(Clare) I see I’ve gotten nowhere with You.

(Jesus) “On the contrary, you have made Me very, very happy because now there are Brides who truly believe and want to dance with Me. I was beginning to feel like a wallflower.” (Here He made a sad face)

(Clare) Oh that’s too funny.

(Jesus) “Yes, but it is true, the music plays, I sway, but My Bride runs away!”

(Clare) OK, now You are making rhymes.

(Jesus) “That’s right, and some will not forget those words and press in. OK?”

(Clare) Makes sense to me Lord.

(Jesus) “Good, now we are agreed, no longer will I be a wallflower.”

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