2 years ago

The Empire holds a meeting at the ISB, and the admiral speaking is Yularen. This is a big character for those who are new to Star Wars. Admiral Yularen fought against the CIS during the clone wars and worked alongside Anakin Skywalker. He later of course as we see, joined the Empire as Colonel and worked very closely alongside Grand Admiral Thrawn. He later passed with Governor Tarkin on the first Death Star during the battle of Yavin in episode 4.

Yularen says that 5x the amount stolen fro Aldahni will be levied on any planet harbouring the rebels, and that any kind of rebel activity will receive the full power of the empire’s fist.
He spoke with Palpatine, who is now fully aware of this insurgence and initial rebellion, he has given the ISB full power and authority to act on this matter and shut down the activists and anyone else who should follow suit. He says no one in this room should have trouble accessing army or navy resources in the future, this means Palpatine has really given them full power to do what they want in bringing down these rebels. So while Palpatine is busy, he is pissed that this has happened.
It looks sloppy, and creates an opening of hope for those willing to do the same.
The emperor will also hold an emergency senate meeting that will basically give the ISB full authority to do as they please in seizing anyone they think might be involved in what just happened on Aldahni.

Luthen listens on his radio and gets intel that the empire is actually freaking out regarding what just happened, and he loves it. Mon Mothma visits him at his shop, and they continue to play dumb as if she’s wanting to purchase more gifts for her husband, and the driver stays outside. They do this because the driver is a hired spy working for the grand vizier, the grand vizier is mas amedda, Palpatine’s right hand man during the prequels and now well into the days the empire.

Mon Mothma can’t believe that Luthen was behind the theft, but he sets her straight and tells her that this was needed.
At 9:01 we can see what looks like the Jedi temple guard’s helmet, however I can’t be too sure with how blurred it is. We do see Plo Koon’s rebreather mask, however, which serves as a rebreather for anyone of the Kel Dor species.

As he walks through the town, he sees from storm troopers and gets a flashback of the clone troopers. How they were marching through the town and having stones thrown at them. Where his father, Clem is trying to stop it, as the clones turn around on orders and aim at him and the others throwing stones. We in another flashback see him hanging there. So the Empire made an example of this type of behaviour, and let the people see it daily. It was very hard to Maarva to see this, and of curse for Cassian to see his father like this. This is post revenge of the Sith obviously and order 66 has controlled their minds. The clones are still here because It must be not too long after revenge of the Sith at this point, and the empire still is using clone troopers before they switch over to a broader, less tactile trained version called imperial stormtroopers.
We see just how militant clones have become, much like in that scene during attack of the clones.

Blevin grills and calls out Dedra publicly at the table where she promises to provide hard evidence and facts regarding her thesis. Partizan promotes Dedra to the case finally and sees her passion for finding these rebels, finally giving her the chance she wanted, and rubbing it in Blevin’s face, which was great. Partagaz mentions ord mantell. Ord Mantell was the home base of the shadow collective which was Darth maul’s gang. There was a massive battle against the CIS, Count Dooku, grievous and palpatine here in the son of dathomir comic run which covered maul’s story right after season 5 of the clone wars where he was captured by palpatine after their epic lightsaber fight with savage oppress and maul vs palpatine.

Andor is on a tropical paradise Miami style calls Niamos, and he seems to have found a girlfriend, who calls him Keef. He’s clearly using a new name to hide from the empire and Luthen…as he grabs some credits out of his secured box. He heads to get some groceries and snacks where he sees some people running away from sand troopers of the empire. He starts to feel a little paranoid and jogs a bit out of there, which gets him taken by the empire as they try to brand him as part of the runners who did whatever has the troopers and K2SO droids after them. He is choked out by a K2 droid, where we see Cassian next in court, where he’s sentenced to 6 years for anti imperial speech. Syril scans his computer hard at work, End of episode.
I think syril will work with cassian and be part of the rebellion soon. I think cassian will meet someone important in jail, leading him to saw Gerrera.

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