I'm Seeing A Miracle In My Home - Repost from @amiejoneshealing

2 years ago

Repost from @amiejoneshealing

⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ Be prepared for these shots to work!

That’s what @medicalmedium told us last week and that’s the miracle I’m seeing in my home!

My dear, sweet little girl has suffered terrible OCD the past few months and I jumped right into the Obsessive Thought Shifter brain shot 8 days ago and I can’t believe my eyes!!!

She is letting some routines go without effort AND she has been able to get to school on time this week. This turnaround is so fast, I can hardly believe it!

She was already on lemon water, celery juice, heavy metal detox smoothie, a good supplement protocol, avoiding all no foods, living in a chemical free home and eating lots of fruits and veggies for a long time, so these brain shots are definitely the change maker.

This has been the hardest health challenge we have faced since we started with @medicalmedium information 7 years ago. OCD enters your home and will try and snatch your life from you. It will trick your consciousness and make you think you are something you are not. It’s an evil force. But the tools we have been blessed with are more powerful and make it look small.

Darkness will not win here. It has only served to make us stronger, more sure of who we are and strengthened our faith.

We join the @medicalmedium brain shot challenge this week. I think I’ll be tanking the burnout brain shots after this battle we have faced 🤪

You too can change your life beyond belief. Thank God for answering my prayers (they were many!) and THANK YOU ANTHONY WILLIAM a million times over for bringing my precious daughter back ❤️❤️❤️


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