China Monsanto Rothschilds Child Abduction Human Experimentation Big Pharma

2 years ago

Alex Jones discussed by Steven G. Erickson & Francis C. P. Knize.

Act Legally & Constitutionally. Info, videos, & to contact me in private chat: (Opinion) Will China invade Dominican Republic, Mexico, Canada, & South America all at the same time the US is made to fall due to China Biden? All is to my best belief & knowledge. #StopTheBS #HangTheGreens #MeToo #WBNemesis #USConstitutionParty #NoPedoJoe #Restore45 #TheStarkRavingViking More videos:

Interested in seeing something about my father? Please use Duck Duck Go & not use quotes “Dennis E. Erickson My Invisible Friends” & look for the link with his name & Secular Humanism in URL.

I would like to have a realty show in New Hampshire, where young NYC Snowflakes live Off-Grid, use solar panels & electric saws & wood splitter. They have a firewood selling business to survive & talk to locals having to give up their Deep State UN Commie teachings to live in the real world ...

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Steven G. Erickson talks w/ Francis C P Knize
860 574 0695

Steven G. Erickson
215 S. Broadway Suite 217
Salem, NH 03079

Hire me to blow horn Democrats holding signs & post the videos.

When I was little my father used his Monsanto expense account, bought a bunch of toy boats. In the middle of the night he filled the Ludlow Mass home bathtub. There were batteries wires, white powder, & metal cigar holders with wires connected. My father made the tub bubble & all the toy boats sank.

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