Houston. WE HAVE A FING PROBLEM… maybe it will sting less, if we say it out loud. I dunno

2 years ago

Who works for who…? When was the last.. if EVER, time, you have felt represented and or, respected as a citizen of this sweet ass country we’ve been blessed to be born into??
I don’t know.
I never really paid attention to these kinds of things before.
And once you see “it”… in all of “it’s” fucked up glory…. You can’t can’t unsee “it”, and go back to living your normal, glowie life…
it really kinda sucks, if I’m being honest.
And I always try to tell the truth, as I know it.

Link to full video below. A good place to find little tidbits of this and that. Just to try to stay somewhere close to the “middle”.

The first step… is admitting something is wrong.


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