Game Tips

2 years ago

W(forward) S(backward) A(left) D(right) SPACE(space-jump) Ctrl(half-crouch) V(creep/stand) Z(walk) Shift(run) Q(probe left) E(probe right) F(use) SPACE(hold your breath) L(flashlight) B(binoculars) F12(screenshot) Tab(mission briefing) F1(display switch) J( Drop weapon) H(Toggle grenade) G(Drop grenade/stone) Mouse 1(Left mouse button - fire) R(Reload) Mouse 0(Middle mouse button - weapon switch) Mouse 2(Right mouse button - sniper and precision mode) Number keys (weapon switch)

Crysis 5 is a first-person shooter game made by Ubisoft, which was officially released on March 27, 2018.
It is the fifth installment in the Crysis series, whose standalone sequels include Crysis: A New Dawn.

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