Just Be~Spiritual BOOM w/Joe Rosati 9/11, Censorship, Being Awake, Where to Research Truth

2 years ago

Episode 37. Out of Tacoma, Washington, Joe Rosati is a truther, a light, an enlightener, a connector, a singer, songwriter, actor, and host of Reflection Pool and TruthStream podcasts. This dude is great! In one episode, we quickly get to the heart of so dang much. (Sol, thanks for breaking us in with the last episode). Joe begins by talking about his own awakening which started with his dad's life experiences down to 9/11 and questioning how a plane could destroy a steel skyscraper (which it did not and could not). Ohhhh and there is so much more... the Truth Tour, Trump, Hollywood, Q... then a bunch of links so you can find the truth for yourself. Go to the podcast here which also includes my Just Be Practice at the end as well...https://edenjustbe.com/podcast/.

Links for da TRUTH:
The Truth Tour 2:
Great Awakening:
Fall of the Cabal:
Bloody Hill
Melissa Redpill/Freedom Force Battalion:
9/11 Scientific Truth:
America's Frontline Doctors:

Connect with Joe:
Website: https://www.joerosaticollective.com
BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/xRkSCDmjPQ1k
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/joerosaticollective
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joerosaticollective

Connect with Eden:
Websites: https://edenjustbe.com or https://edenghostbusters.com
(remote or face-to-face sessions)
Podcast: Just Be ~ Spiritual BOOM
(On Spotify, Apple & Google Podcasts over 18 directories now. Listen to the podcast on my website or see all the directory links there as well.) - https://edenjustbe.com/podcast
Facebook: Eden Koz - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100080092912777
Instagram: Eden Koz - https://www.instagram.com/justbeedenkoz
LinkedIn: Eden Koz - https://www.linkedin.com/in/eden-koz-1323a52
Bitchut: Eden Koz - https://www.bitchute.com/search/?query=eden%20koz&kind=video
YouTube: Just Be, LLC -

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