Adam's Ambition, Self-Love, Self-Pity, Self-Knowledge & Repentance ❤️ Household of God Jakob Lorber

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Adam's Ambition, Self-love & Self-pity,
Self-Knowledge and Repentance

Chapter 41

1. And all who had sat down around Abedam's (God, Jehova) basket once again thanked the Lord for having chosen them for it. He afforded them the inestimable grace of eating together with Him out of one basket, fruits of the glory of the Father's love, and of drinking from one and the same vessel, the sweetest juice of life eternal.

2. They continued to praise Abedam for His sublime grace for quite some time, and while the surrounding baskets were already emptied by a little over a third, no one had so much as touched a fruit from Abedam's basket as of yet.

3. However, since the glorifying and praising did not seem to come to an end, Abedam looked at His guests and told them to partake of the fruits, just like the guests around the other baskets, whereupon they entreated Him to be the first to reach into the basket. When Abedam complied with their wish, all of them put their hands in the basket, partaking with great joy and reverence of the fruits and emptying the vessels filled with juice.

4. And so, the meal lasted nearly an hour, but in spite of this, the baskets, as well as the vessels, did not seem to become empty, all the while the fruits became more and more aromatic and the juice in the vessels progressively more delicious and sweeter. The end of the meal was exactly as its beginning; no one wished to be the first to put his hand into the basket, and now no one wished to be the first to withdraw his hand from the basket. Since they saw Abedam Himself frequently reach into the basket, nobody thought of stopping; only Adam noticed that the sun was close to setting, and he asked the high Abedam what was to be done, since the time had come for the usual preliminary burning.

5. But in turn, the high Abedam asked Adam the following: "Adam, just tell Me, plain and simple, in whose honor this burning is to take place, whether in Mine, in honor of the blue sky and its stars that will become visible later and the still visible sun and moon, in honor of the people, or in honor of you alone?

6. "You see, I barely know what meaning you have ever attached to it, what you wish to attach to it now, or what you are already attaching to it; therefore, I wish to know more about it from you.

7. "This idle concern can hardly be aimed at Me, because if I ever wanted anything like that, I would have already demanded it from you a long time ago. So, since I do not want and intend anything like that at all, this being no concern of Mine, do tell Me honestly in whose honor this preliminary burning is to take place."

8. And here, Adam's tongue failed him, so much so that he could not utter a single word.

9. But Abedam made the following remark to Adam: "Adam, is it not a fact that you had the greatest joy in this preliminary burning and secretly related it to yourself, wishing to thereby indicate that the road to the gate of life leads only through you? So, the burning in your honor had to precede the burning in Mine, and you attached more importance to the timeliness of the preliminary burning than to the burning thereafter, which was dedicated in honor of Me!

10. "Behold, for this secret reason I had the sacrificial fire meant for Me take place when it was still morning, so as to free it from your great folly; nevertheless, you do not seem inclined to give up your old foolishness.

11. "Is the meal with Me not worth more than the preliminary burning in your honor? Therefore, let all of you stay around the baskets and eat and drink as long as you like, as long as you enjoy it! You may do so as well, Adam. However, should you prefer the burning to this living meal, you may even indulge in that pleasure; But you must take care while doing so, lest the fire grow too strong and easily seize and consume you! - Do you comprehend these words?

12. "I, however, tell you: Understand them well and consider that the earth is hollow on the inside, filled to the brim with the most bitter of fires, - after that, do as you desire, either unto death - or unto life! Amen."

13. When Adam heard these words Abedam uttered, he became mightily alarmed and said the following to Him, trembling and full of fear:


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