Hollywood actor Anthony Hopkins vaccinated? His Vaccinator squirts his Vaxxine outside!

2 years ago

You can tell with these Hollywood actors getting their "covid vaxxine" that it is ALL STAGED. They think people will look at the celebrity and think because they are doing it we should be doing it. They use these shill to come out and support the Democrat party or all for Ukraine against Russia. They always support the ESTABLISH NARRATIVE of their owners.

I see all these Hollywood actors getting their "vaxxines" from the passenger seat of their car and there always just happens to be a CAMERA there where they can do their big VAXXINE PROMOTION using their establishment shill actors. Do you think Anthony Hopkins drives around inside of his car with a surgical mask and a full visor? LOL! Totally staged!

Establishment shill Arnold Schwarzenegger did the same. I didn't see the needle go into his arm but he made sure to do a line from his movies to get people to comply "If you want to live... come with me". Read the comments below. Everyone seems so awake to these sell out shills!

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