Patrick Richardson – 4-H Thriving Model

2 years ago

Patrick Richardson is a reporter for the The Sentinel. He's authored two articles this month detailing the impacts of 4-H's Thriving Model. The Thriving model erodes the decades old foundation of 4-H in favor of "diversity, equity and inclusion" initiatives.

The challenge in re-orienting an institution like 4-H is multi-faceted. Does 4-H at the local or national level have a problem? Do parents want politics and ideology introduced in organizations like 4-H. Is there a problem in the first place? Is farming at the center of of 4-H or does it need to be something else.

Patrick's story has been picked up nationally but you can read it here

and here

Patrick's reporting focuses on the experiences 4-H parents named Charla and Ross King. Until recently, the Kings were a multi-generational 4-H house. As the Thriving Model eroded 4-H's focus on farming, the Kings pulled their children from the problem. Disturbed by the injection of ideology, the Kings have created a less political version featuring the values 4-H left behind. Their group is called Heritage Youth of America.

Charla, Patrick and Pete A Turner will discuss the King's exit from 4-H and what Heritage Youth of America intends to do. This is Patrick's 3rd visit to the Break It Down Show.

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