Rhema Oct 16, 2022 ❤️ Jesus says... Your Enemies are My refining Fire & I have total Control

2 years ago

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Source... Sister Clare's full Teachings in english... http://www.heartdwellers.org

Your Enemies are My refining Fire & I have total Control

May 30, 2015 – Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Jesus) “There is so much more to the refining fire of enemies than anyone is truly aware of. They are My refining fire, a force to be reckoned with when loosed, a force to be pitied when bound and I have total control at all times.”

(Clare) Oh Lord that thought is so challenging. How can You allow things to happen such as these ruthless killings? Here I am talking about the agreement between a soul and God, when they are sent into a body. Some have very short and sad lives, but that is agreed upon before they are sent to earth.

(Jesus) “That’s just the problem Clare, you are not Me, and you do not see as I see. You have only one millisecond to the whole plan, a flake of frost on the tip of an iceberg. Oh there is so much more to see, but for now I ask only that you trust Me and listen.”

(Clare) Sorry.

(Jesus) “No, nothing to be sorry about, I anticipated your reaction and it fits right in with the thoughts of others as well. OK, now can I have your complete attention?”

(Clare) I’m here.

(Jesus) “Just barely. When you hear a story told, you get one side and the current one at that. Beneath that tiny flake of frost is an iceberg of history. Things that never enter into people’s minds because they don’t think as I think nor do they care to know what I think. That is why so many things are a mystery to them. That does not mean, do not be empathetic and pray, no, brotherly love and prayer are extremely important. You could be in their shoes tomorrow.

“There are generational curses, hidden sins, cultural influences, inter-relational dynamics between each person involved and even their generation curses, things that go back hundreds and even sometimes thousands of years. This does not occur to the casual bystander, but the angels are aware, that is why you will at times feel strong warnings not to do something, go somewhere, get involved with someone. Your angels can see what is coming.

“Holy Spirit also will recoil with apprehension in your conscience. I do protect you, but once you step outside of the realm of obedience, I can no longer protect you as I wish to.”

“You see, the demons are My policemen. They wait in line all day to sift a believer, sometimes they line up around the block, just to get one shot at a soul. However I have lifted My hand in opposition and they cannot have the opportunity. Once a believer has crossed the line and disobeyed, however, permission is given, but only so far. In other words what they are allowed to do or not to do is controlled by My permission.

“In other situations I give the demons permission because I am perfecting a soul in virtue and patience, forgiveness and virtue needs to be cultivated. At the very same time when I allow an attack from the demon, I know how it will affect a soul and that they will in turn pray for those who are being used to attack. Very often those souls have no one to pray for them and the one whom they attack are My very last resort to find intercessors. This has been the case on your channel as well. Those who have attacked you for no reason at all, are in serious need of intercession, because their salvation is at stake.”

(Clare) Oh Lord that is so very sad.

“It is indeed. Clare, I need your prayers for them. You see some people have been brought up to believe I am a God of harshness, hatred and punishment. This is because the people around them misrepresented Me. They were controlled by a religious spirit, that is simply a demon, very often of judgement, bitterness, unforgiveness and criticism mixed with persecution in the belief that they are acting in righteousness to correct false prophets.


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