Full Blood Moon of October 9 & 10, 2022 ! Moon 100 % illuminated ! 2/2 !

2 years ago

Moon Phase on: October 09, 2022
On this day the Moon was in a Full Moon phase. During a Full Moon the moon is 100% illuminated as seen from Earth and is on the opposite side of the Earth from the Sun. The Moon will be visible throughout the night sky rising at sunset in the east and setting with the sunrise the next morning. The point at which a Full Moon occurs can be measured down to a fraction of a second. The time it takes between full moons is known as a Synodic month and is 29.530587981 days long !
Full Moon Phase
The Full Moon on October 9 has an illumination of 100%. This is the percentage of the Moon illuminated by the Sun. The illumination is constantly changing and can vary up to 10% a day. On October 9 the Moon is 14.37 days old. This refers to how many days it has been since the last New Moon. It takes 29.53 days for the Moon to orbit the Earth and go through the lunar cycle of all 8 Moon phases.
Full Moon 100% illuminated
Full Moon is the lunar phase on 9 October 2022, Sunday. Seen from Earth, illuminated fraction of the Moon surface is 100%.

Astronomically speaking, it's the Hunter's Moon / Blood Moon on October 9, 2022, wherein the sun in Libra stands opposite the Moon in Aries, which promises effective resolutions in the face of ongoing confrontation and emotional challenges.

This full Moon is also significant as it facilitates the culmination, release, and resolution of a distressing situation. The Libra vibe is always to serve peace and justice, but it comes with a lot of deliberation. The full Moon in decisive Aries holds the promise to get us there faster than we think.
What is a Hunter’s Moon? As seen from the entire globe, a full moon is always opposite the sun. So all full moons rise in the east around sunset. And all full moons set in the west around sunrise. But full moons have different characteristics, mostly related to their paths across the sky. And, shortly after they rise, full moons closest to the autumnal equinox follow a path across the Northern Hemisphere sky that makes a narrow angle with respect to the eastern evening horizon. So – in the early autumn (from either hemisphere) – you might see a bright moon in the east shortly after sunset for several evenings in a row. That is the the Harvest Moon, the full moon closest to the September equinox. The Hunter’s Moon is the name for the full moon following the Harvest Moon.

By the way, since the Harvest Moon is the closest full moon to the equinox, it can come either before or after the equinox. So the Harvest Moon can sometimes fall in October, which it does every three or four years. When the Harvest Moon falls in October, the Hunter’s Moon – the full moon following the Harvest Moon – will fall in early November. That’ll happen next in the year 2025.

October full moon meets Jupiter
In 2022, Jupiter is the bright light shining near the full and nearly full moon. Another planet, Saturn, is the dimmer light shining farther west of Jupiter

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