Enoch's Morning Hymn ❤️ The Household of God revealed thru Jakob Lorber

2 years ago

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Enoch's Morning Hymn

Jesus Christ reveals thru Jacob Lorber - The Household of God
History of the primal creation of spirits and matter, the first patriarch from Adam to Abraham. Received thru the Inner Word (March 15, 1840 - September 7, 1844)

Volume 1, Chapter 52

The Lord says:

1. The two - Adam and Enoch - soon left the hut and hurried towards the small round hillock, which they ascended, for it was only ten man-lengths higher than the spot where Adam's hut was standing. There were no trees surrounding it and the tops of the cedars reached only to the foot of this free hill, up to which an only narrow but otherwise quite comfortable path was leading.

2. They arrived on the summit, according to your reckoning seven minutes before sunrise. There Adam sat down on the ground, thanked Me for the new day he was experiencing and asked Me for My blessing to enable him to bless effectively in My name all his children in My love and with My grace.

3. (By the way, what you now seldom observe and what the world regards as silliness, wherefore I and My blessing have to stay away as all this for a long time has no longer been needed!)

4. When he had done this, he perceived the presence of My Spirit, and he blessed all his children before sunrise.

5. When Adam had given the blessing out of Me to all his children, not forgetting those in the lowlands, the first rays of the morning sun broke forth over the wide horizon, and Adam wept for joy as his eyes beheld My grace shining across the wide plains of the earth and that through My merciful love the sun began once more to warm the ground of the mountains, which had become cold overnight where it was always colder than in the lowlands, as is the case still today.

6. After having thus rejoiced, Adam saw Enoch full of joy and was reminded of him and admonished him to speak while the sun was rising as he had asked him earlier that morning, immediately after the morning prayer.

7. Upon this request Enoch promptly began to speak out of love, and this was his speech:

8. "O father, you demand a speech from me of which I am not capable! You want me now to sing a hymn to the morning, as did Seth who is a very gifted speaker on such subjects, whereas I am only a blind perceiver of love.

9. "Therefore, be patient if I cannot do it like the exalted Seth. However, what is stirring in my heart I will give forth to the best ability of my weak tongue.

10. "O father, what is this dim, weak, transitory morning compared with the eternal morning of the spirit out of the boundless love of the eternal, holy Father! This sun with its faint shine, what is its light compared with the endless glory of the love in God? Nothing but a black dot in the rays of the divine love. Yes, it is the last starting point of a tiny sparkle of grace from the eternal Love in God, and we marvel at its majesty! What would we do if we were capable of beholding the eternal, primordial source of all light in the love of the Father in all its holiness?


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