I FINALLY Caught Covid-19! How I Got it & How Bad it Was I Don't Ban Me Bro @vermontredpill

2 years ago

I got Covid-19/The Koof. The first part of the video is right before I got it... and i already looked like I was on Death's Door! Yet, I still had quite a bit of energy day 1 of exposure. Based on what happened... I was kinda angry. You'll see why. It's been a few weeks since then. the fatigue & brain fog is FINALLY going away. I'm now able to make videos again. YAY! This is what happened 3 weeks ago. Forgive my bitterness. I used to be such a nice person. The Covid Mask & Vax Authoritarians BROKE ME. Here's to Natural Immunity!

-Interested in more of My So-Covid Life? I' made a 3-Part Video about Coronavirus, VAERS, and the Jabbie Jabs.
Unfortunately, if you only subscribe to me on Youtube, you are missing parts I & III. They didn't take down part 2. Nor really sure why... but I'm happy 1/3 of my apparently controversial story didn't get me Suspended or Deleted.
Find ALL 3 Parts on Rumble HERE:
Part I: https://rumble.com/vjc6ad-rumble-keeps-rejecting-my-video-vaers-covid-19-vaccine-side-effects-my-stor.html
Part II: https://rumble.com/vlbc81-vaers-my-vaccine-story-part-2-i-vermont-red-pill.html
Part III: https://rumble.com/v1l6j5d-vaers-my-vaccine-story-part-3-bipolar-booster-updates-i-vermont-red-pill.html

find, follow, and subscribe to me HERE:
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvZslXpgQZ5V_3le5l8OUuw/
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/VermontRedPill
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