GPS #52 - Ignorance Is Bliss, Alex Jones fined almost a BILLION dollars, New York's Nuclear war PSA

2 years ago

On this episode of GPS;
- Kevin died wacking it
- Running out of things to do when humanity is dead
- Tank treads
- Cartel killings
- Amazing Stories, Pet Sematery
- Halloween episode (upcoming)
- Human Centipede/Tusk
- Drugs are bad
- THC Funyons!?!
- Marijuana laws
- Insider trading in congress
-Alex Jones fined close to a BILLION dollars!!
- Tulsi Gabbard on Joe Rogan
- New York Nuke PSA (Video)
- WB fires staff and closes Cartoon Network
- Ren and Stimpy
- Ignorance is Bliss
- Pro wrestlers are facinating.

Opening Theme -
Title: Garage - Topher Mohr and Alex Elena (No Copyright Music)
Video Link:
Genre Music: Rock - Country

Opening Video -
Dumpster fire Brighton Fire 04-18-13

Velvet Alley Designs -

Coffee Brand Coffee -
Use the coupon code: garbagepailskids to receive 5% off your purchase. You will be supporting an independent, growing company, as well as our show in the process!!

Nuclear Preparedness PSA (with captions)

#gps #garbagepailskids #podcast #comedy #renandstimpy #cartoonnetwork #WB #warnerbros #newyork #alexjones #infowars #tulsigabbard #democrats #republicans #ringsofpower #lordoftherings #streaming #amazonstudios #tanktreads #halloween #stephenking #petsematery #thegunslinger #thedarktower #thestand #it #cartel #humancentipede #tusk #michaelparks #thc #funyons #amazingstories #stephenspielberg #marijuana #trading #wallstreet #nancypelosi #paulpelosi #jre #joerogan #powerfuljre #politics #undertaker #prowrestling #kevinnash #thepunisher #dolphlundgren #thomasjane

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