Divorcee Sam Seder & the Democrat Crime Wave Part II

1 year ago





Story County, Iowa Supervisor Latifah Faisal wants open borders because that will give her more low-skilled voters who fail to finish HS. She needs more voters that don’t work. http://freewebs.com/professor_enigma/latifah-faisal-story-county

Now that is out of the way, let us look AGAIN at some of the Democrat Party’s finest work, cities they have owned for decades & see what happens when Sam Seder voters get their way.

Our first contestant is Jackson, MS: Jackson Homicide Rate 2018-2020 = 63.252 per 100,000

Jackson homicide rate 2015-17 = 33.74

Jackson Public School District Data:

School years 2014-18 data: 46.1% Food Stamps/SNAP, 69% of families (with children enrolled in public schools) are single parent & 17% not in the labor force

School years 2015-19 data: 44.7% Food Stamps/SNAP, 60% of families (with children enrolled in public schools) are single parent & 14.9% not in the labor force

For 2019-2020 (Class of 2019), the 4-Year Graduation Rate is 75.1%, up from 67.7% in 2015-2016. ELLs have a graduation rate of only 55.6%. The last 4 school years, >19% of Jackson Public School students have dropped out. On all metrics, Jackson does much worse than Mississippi en masse & I would wager a lack of fathers & positive male role models play a massive role in that.

Our next contestant is St. Louis City, Missouri: Their homicide rate is routinely 10 times the national average, enough said.

St. Louis City School District Data for school years 2014-18: 48.9% Food Stamps/SNAP, 69% of families (with children enrolled in public schools) are single parent & 19.5% not in the labor force.

2015-2019 school year data: 46.3% Food Stamps/SNAP, 61% of families (with children enrolled in public schools) are single parent & 18.7% not in the labor force. Now for some more bad news.

From 2005-10 >44% of students did not graduate on time. YIKES! >78% of the enrolled students receive free or reduced lunch, poverty has long been a problem in St. Louis despite massive influxes of taxpayer dollars. They also have a student discipline issue & it’s much higher than the state rate. From 2006-09 (2009 data) >22% of students were “below basic” in “Communication Arts (MAP).”

By 2019, the Graduation Rate (3-year avg.) was still only 73.9% & more than a fifth of all students still did not graduate in 5 years. Overall academic achievement remains well below the state average & for the subgroups (Black, Hispanic, Low Income, ELLs) it is a bit closer to the state average, but still lagging behind. We need school choice so poor black children can escape St. Louis’ bad government schools.

Let’s move onto Newark, NJ: Newark Homicide Rate 2018-2020 = 20.366

Newark homicide rate 2015-17 = 33.46

Newark City School District Data:

School years 2014-18: 39.2% (Food Stamps/SNAP), 62% of families (with children enrolled in public schools) are single parent & 18% of parents of children in public school are not in the labor force

School years 2015-19: 37.1% (Food Stamps/SNAP), 54% of families (with children enrolled in public schools) are single parent & 17.9% of the parents of children in public school are not in the labor force

Now for even worse news: Newark’s Schools aren’t faring well: Recently, the 4-year Graduation Rate was only 76.2%. 28% of students were missing 10% or more of school days & 76% of their students were getting free lunch (6.8% are getting “reduced” lunch).

Only 34.8% met or exceeded expectations in English Language Arts & only 24.1% in Math.

In 2015-16, 74.2% were getting free lunch & 4.4% were getting “reduced” lunch. English/Language Arts Literacy was only 27% (grades 9-11). In 2017-18, over one-third of students were “chronically absent.” Yikes! In the 2018-19 school year, 28% of their students were “chronically absent” & in 2020-21 it was 18%.

How about Richmond, VA? Another city laden w/ crime & overwhelmingly votes Democrat.

Richmond homicide rate 2015-17 = 25.35 & in 2018-2020 it was 26.918

Richmond City Public Schools Data for school years 2014-18: 46.1% (Food Stamps/SNAP), 70% of families (with children enrolled in public schools) are single parent & 19.3% of the parents of children in public school are not in the labor force

Richmond City Public Schools Data for school years 2015-19: 42.1% (Food Stamps/SNAP), 62% of families (with children enrolled in public schools) are single parent & 18.4% of the parents of children in public school are not in the labor force

And now some more bad news: Richmond’s school district is a wreck (and it probably is because the parents of these children are just large children themselves), get a load of this:

Richmond Public Schools’ graduation rate is 75.39%, down 1.5% from 2016-2017, with a dropout rate of 19.53%, up 2.91% from the previous school year. The Virginia On-Time Graduation Rate shows only the percentage of students who earned a Board of Education-approved diploma within four years of entering high school for the first time (students who graduate in more than four years are not included in this rate).

“This data is not a reflection of our students' abilities. It's a reflection of our failure to provide them with the education they deserve, “said Superintendent Jason Kamras. “My administration is committed to changing this – once and for all – for every young person in RPS."

Mr. Kamras, I have two words for you: School Choice. That will be unpopular w/ you because Richmond’s poor performing schools will be empty. But it will be better for America & those bad teachers can go sell used cars or flip burgers.

Richmond’s graduation rate was as low as 71% in 2010 & the dropout rate was 14.1%. Tell me, is it much better or not?

Now let us add Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Milwaukee Homicide Rate 2015-17 = 22.67
Milwaukee Homicide Rate 2018-20 = 21.996

Milwaukee School District Data, school years 2014-18: 46.2% of families receive Food Stamps/SNAP) 63% of families (with children enrolled in public schools) are single parent & 20% of the parents of children in Milwaukee public schools are not in the labor force.

School years 2015-19 data: 44.3% of families receive Food Stamps/SNAP) 52% of families (with children enrolled in public schools) are single parent & 19.9% of the parents of children in Milwaukee public schools are not in the labor force.

Milwaukee’s school district is a train wreck: From 2015-16 to 2018-19 Asians graduated (4-Year) at a rate of 82.375%, Whites 73.525%, Black 58.425%, Hispanic/Latino 63.225%, ELLs 59.125% & overall 62.35%.

[NOTE: Limited English Proficient was changed to English Learners]

40% of ELLs do not graduate on time, this is why Democrats do not want immigration via merit, they want a tidal wave of migrants coming over the border so they can stuff them into crummy school districts & sign them up for welfare when a massive chunk of them fail to finish school.

The 6-Year Graduation Rate overall in Milwaukee for the aforementioned years was only 70.7%. That’s not impressive overall, but I have to give them credit for not quitting & seeing it through. Again, why are Asians outperforming Whites, Hispanics & Blacks in Milwaukee? Same story, different city.

The three-year Dropout Rate for those years was a collective 5.325% & the Absenteeism Rate (One Year District Rate) was 22.3%. That means over one in 5 Milwaukee students are missing more than three days every four weeks if school. Holy attendance problems Batman!

[NOTE: Milwaukee’s “chronic absenteeism” rate is different from the normal >90% attendance – they say this, “Absenteeism Rate is the percent of students who are chronically absent (have attendance rates below 84%.” Keep that mind]

If you want to know one massive reason Asians are doing so much better than other ethnic groups/races in Milwaukee, take a gander at their attendance rates. Hispanics are chronically absent >2X & Blacks ~4x as much as Asians.

That’s a big indicator right there & I would hazard a guess that most of those Asian students having a father & mother telling them to get their homework done as soon as they get done taking the trash out & cleaning the garage.

I did not include Pontiac, Michigan in these lists last time as I cannot include everyone, but I did have it in my essay on whether COVID-19 increased homicide rates. Pontiac routinely has homicide rates about 3X the national average.

How about their schools? For school years 2015-19: 44.1% of families receive Food Stamps/SNAP) 53% of families (with children enrolled in public schools) are single parent & 19.5% of the parents of children in Pontiac public schools are not in the labor force.

The 4-Year Graduation Rate according to MI School Data gives us a graduation rate of 59.33% in 2019-2020 & 56.39% in 2020-21. Not good. Over 80% of students qualify for Free and Reduced Lunch, almost 80% are classified as Economically Disadvantaged. There’s been a culture of fatherlessness in Pontiac for some time, the saga continues.

Students Proficient in Math and English 3-8, it was only 8.0% in 2016-17 & 6.9% in 2017-18. No wonder Pontiac votes overwhelmingly Democrat. It is also a dropout factory, the Dropout Rate was 15.3% in 2019-20 & 17.62% in 2020-21.

Let’s look at another Democrat enclave, Kansas City, Missouri. I did not profile that city in earlier essays, but their homicide rate 2018-20 was 30.829.

Kansas City 33 School District, MO District Data:

36.1% of families w/ children in government schools are on Food Stamps/SNAP, 48% of families (with children enrolled in public schools) are single parent & 18.1% not in the labor force.

According to the Missouri Dept. of Education the 5-Year Graduation Rate (3-year avg.) for KC public schools was a paltry 76.8% in 2019 & more than one-fifth of all students suffered from “chronic absenteeism.” On all those metrics they are well below MO state averages.

They were also below state averages in the all-important English/Language Arts achievement for so-called “subgroups”, as well as Math & Science. It has been this way for a while.

As of July 2020, the District pegged its Graduation Rate (I presume 4-year) at 65.3%, which is not good. In the 2019-2020 school year the Graduation Rate was 74.9%. All students qualify for free lunch because who wants to be indoctrinated with SJW propaganda on an empty stomach?

This District also has a much larger % of its student body being classified as ELLs. Another large District in an area dominated by Democrats that is performing poorly. Write your state legislators & Governor, tell them to establish or expand a school voucher/school choice initiative (STC – Scholarship Tax Credit Programs are good too) & allow parents to get their kids out of bad schools and/or schools that are nothing but brainwashing clinics.

Let us do Syracuse, NY: Syracuse Homicide Rate 2018-2020 = 17.086

Syracuse City School District Data: 51.3% of families w/ children in government schools are on Food Stamps/SNAP, 59% of families (with children enrolled in public schools) are single parent & 23.4% not in the labor force.

Syracuse’s vaunted public schools are so bad they are celebrating a “a four-year graduation rate of 70.7 percent. This is a record high in the Syracuse City School District, and a six percent increase from the previous year. The 70.7 percent is the highest graduation rate achieved since New York State switched to Cohort-based accountability for the 2002-2003 reporting year. [NOTE: The only group of all those w/ a Graduation Rate of 80% or better was… Asians]”

That is so bad even the schmucks in the Des Moines Independent School District are saying, “you guys have issues.” Prior to that, in a good year Syracuse had 1/3 of their students not graduating on time. Soft bigotry of low expectations?

ELLs (which Joe Biden is bringing in illegally – these are the folks they want because they do not believe in merit) had a paltry graduation rate of 58.1%, the previous year 60% of them did NOT graduate.

“In 2008, the ELL/MLL population comprised approximately 8% of the total SCSD student population. In 2015-16, the ELL/MLL student population was 3,294 and grew nearly 100% since 2008, comprising over 16% of the total student population, making it one of the most rapidly growing student populations in SCSD… The gap between ELL/MLL students and their non-ELL/MLL peers in academic performance continues. The graduation rate disparity between ELL/MLL students (33.5 %) and their non-ELL/MLL peers (57.6 %) continues. [NOTE: You know it’s bad when a 57.6% graduation rate looks good].”

There were many years where >60% of ELLs did not graduate & >40% of the entire non-ELL senior class did not graduate. This is what happens when you shun school choice, enable the state & have an immigration system that is anti-merit. Our lavish welfare state has had a lot of ill side effects.

In Syracuse, it is not uncommon for ~1/3 of the class to not graduate in 5 years. YIKES! School choice my friends, school choice.

In 2017-2018 the chronic absenteeism rate was 34.8% for all students, ELLs had the 2nd lowest rate, yet many of them still fail to graduate. Surprise! Asians had the best attendance! AIAN (American Indian/Alaska Native) & Hispanic/Latino had rates approaching 50%. It all starts at home folks!

In High School, the chronic absenteeism rate goes up to 37%. If you don’t show up to work, do not expect to get paid. Unless you’re Joe Biden & you’ll promise people over a year’s worth of unemployment benefits.

One last city, Cincinnati, Ohio. Homicide Rate 2018-2020 = 24.894

37.4% Food Stamps/SNAP, 60% of families (with children enrolled in public schools) are single parent & 16.5% not in the labor force.

In Ohio if any student misses 2 days of school a month (which is much more stringent than most who require 90+% attendance to avoid “chronic absenteeism”) they are considered chronically absent. Cincinnati Public Schools are on the list of schools required to have an “Absence Intervention Team.”

The 4-year Graduation Rate (averaging school years 2014-15 to 2017-18) was 74.575%. One in four do not graduate on time. In 2008-09 it was 80.4%, in 2009-10 it was 81.9%, in 2010-11 it cratered, falling to 63.9%. The 2011-12 report pegs the 4-Year Graduation Rate at 66% & only 68% graduated in 5 years.

It seems that their attendance is above the state-mandated threshold (for school years 2008-09 through 2011-12 at least) but it seems to still be a problem among a minority of students. The absences are obviously not spread out amongst the general student population.

The State Report Cards for Cincinnati (2018-19 & 2017-18) do not bring good tidings. The 5-Year Graduation Rate remains <80%.

Chronic Absenteeism was 19.9% in 2019-20, but the 5-Year Graduation Rate did crest the 83% mark. Chronic Absenteeism was 17% in 2014-15, 30.7%(!) in 2015-16 & 13% in 2016-17.

And guess what? Asians, despite being a minority, despite being shoved into internment camps during World War II (~120,000), racism, evil whitey FDR & all that stuff nobody will ever get over – they are leading the way in Graduation Rates, attendance rates & academic achievement.

There’s that ever-present barrier between Asians & Whites vs. Hispanics & Blacks. It’s not a battle per se, but then again it is because if you do not show up you will not achieve & we have seen this movie before.

Again, school choice – allowing the money to follow the student, giving them a chance to escape these bad public schools & many of these Dumocrat enclaves have a lot of them. I should also mention again that it all starts at home & there are a lot of dysfunctional families in Cincinnati whose children just go to school to keep them from wandering the streets all day.

Democrats don’t school choice because this is a roadblock to their LGBT/SJW indoctrination nonsense & they need that to keep the permanent underclass voting for them.

There you have it kids, another list of Democrat-run enclaves w/ poor schools, high homicide rates & a lot of fatherless kids. Elections have consequences & next month let’s throw the bums out.

#samseder #majorityreport Sam Seder is afraid to debate my friend James Patrick Holding on The Impossible Faith https://tektonics.org/lp/nowayjose.php Methinks the divorcee has little faith in that religion degree from a diploma mill. #samsederwontdebateJPH

Remember folks, the American Crime Wave is a Democrat Crime Wave, The real #INSURRECTION is a Democrat #INSURRECTION

1) Throw folks like Kyle Rittenhouse in prison if they defend their community from fatherless Black Lives Matter #blacklivesmatter terrorists

2) Defund or intimidate the police into no proactive policing in high crime areas so violent criminals are less likely to be caught

3) Take away everyone's firearms so 4) the violent criminals Democrat prosecutors let loose can easily terrorize the community

Next month, vote the bums out

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