The vaccine is the mark of the beast!!

1 year ago

The vaccine is the mark of the beast and those who get it are just slaves of Satan forever, they will never be forgiven by God ever, Satan and his cursed angels were kicked out of heaven and they are not forgiven, God never forgave them and those who get the vaccines join the antichrist who is a wicked wicked evil man that hates God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, He will say I am the Messiah worship me or you will be killed, sorry no food for you, you did not get the vaccines and only those allowed to have food are those who got the vaccines, they will lock all the food up in stores and only those who got food were the ones who had proof they got the vaccine, they will have you scan your hand to check out and if it doesn't scan a mean guard will come and drag you out, beat you up and throw you into a truck and will be taken to a prison camp, those who got the vaccines will suffer God wrath and anger in the tribulation period, He will pour out 7 Bowl judgements on everyone who worships the antichrist, that includes all the so called pastors, all the brainless church people who got the vaccines, all the Dr, nurses, wicked parents and kids who were given the vaccines by their wicked parents, they will taste the fierce wrath of God being poured out on them, they will get painful boils, the sun will be so hot it will sorch them, demons will Sting them, water will turn into blood, all sea life will die, Jesus will cut them all down with His sword and they will be in the lake of fire forever and ever, once you get the vaccine you chose to follow Satan and he owns you forever, you will join Satan, the antichrist, false prophet in the lake of fire, there is zero forgiveness for those who got the vaccines mark of the beast, Christians who got the vaccines their names are crossed out in the book of life and the Holy Spirit leaves them forever, God will not dwell in anyone that follows Satan, nope what do light and darkness have together they do not, you can't serve two masters, all those who got the vaccines are cursed people by God and will never be allowed into heaven or the New jersalem, they are banned, they made their choice and can never go back, they are not people anymore, they are nephilim now and cursed walking dead, they have no souls, they are just hardened slaves of Satan that is all they are, cursed walking wicked people and will suffer God wrath and He will make them suffer, they will be persercuting Jews and tribulation saints and will drink the blood of thousands they will kill, mock, kick, beat up, turn in, just are your judgments oh Lord for you will give them blood to drink from killing your prophets and saints and they will drink the blood of your just judgements, so go ahead and get the vaccines and know that you are a enemy of God forever and your number is 666 now, you belong to Satan slaves and will join him in the lake of fire forever slaves of Satan

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