Kayla Lemieux aka Chuck Woods, Masonic Social Engineer

1 year ago

by Shawn Paul Melville2022-10-08

Sorry, off track, but I was interested in Kayla Lemieux pictured here since NO ONE could identify her:

Who is the transgender with the prosthetic breasts? So I did some digging…. this one is for TUCKER!

He is the Manufacturing Technology teacher at Trafalgar High school in Oakville his real name is Chuck Woods.

This was difficult to find since the high school website deleted its staff directory.

Link to article: https://www.civilianintelligencenetwork.ca/2022/10/08/kayla-lemieux-aka-chuck-woods-masonic-social-engineer/

Thumb Nail Source: https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse3.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIF.6oXB5dIyWzpdIlH4OklxIw%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=e6de361eee3a1966d853c1803d48e47ee86ac2e38a0746dc6907c507c002763d&ipo=images

From this story: https://thevirallane.com/viral-post/canadian-trudovik-troll-with-mega-breasts-decided-to-go-all-the-way/

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