Words of Knowledge 😁

2 years ago

Excuse the sing. Lol.

When you can listen to music and turn it into your own situation or see from a different aspect.

We together can create a better future for our children's children.

We all have to remember we have rights.

What we have been taught is twiddle to keep you distracted and not to believe in yourself hoping you take the wrong route in life.

You maybe not fooled that way. But they sure told you a fat light when it comes to OUR law.

We hold the power.

If you can stand under 3 rules in life and it was strong enough to delete every bill take your homes back and it put every one equal.,

Would you do it??

Well here is our law...

Common law = Natural law = Universe Law = People law = Equality = Right & Wrong = Respect & Decency = Morals = Postivety = No Poverty = No Hunger = Abundance = Freedom.

These laws have been since the dawn of time and hidden until 2001 when it was invoked and government & Monarchy was dissolved.

Also remember you already 99% of us live these rules any way the rest in mumbo to bleed you dry and to create jobs keeping you distracted from the truth.

Stick to these rules and stand under Wo/Man

1. Do No Harm/ Injry To Others
2. Do No Loss
3. Take Responsibility for Your Actions.

thats it you innerstand this and you will see nobody with any status has power over you until you let them. Its fear of programming that holds you in that energy.

No Man as Authority over Man its our jurisdiction.

No Corporation can interfere with private Wo/Man.

Stick with this and you will take all what you think you own but it will be for real when you put your foot down.


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