Natural Sciatica Treatment

2 years ago

Are you experiencing pain, tingling, numbness starting from your low back or pelvis all the way down to your calf or foot? This is the video for you.

There are many treatments for sciatica but few address the underlying root cause of the problem. This is where we step in.

The doctors at Atlas Brain and Spine will evaluate you and determine whether or not the first bone in the neck could be the root cause to your sciatica. If the first bone in your neck (called Atlas) misaligns it will cause a decrease in communication at the level of the brain stem. This is a crucial organ as it controls so much of our body without us having to process it.

If you have a misalignment of the atlas that is affecting the nervous system, this is called then an Atlas Subluxation Complex.

Due to the disruption in the flow of information from the brain to the body it will cause the muscles around the sciatic nerve to contract, causing irritation or damage to the sciatic nerve. By restoring the position of the atlas and allowing for improved flow of vital information to the muscles of the pelvis, we will see the muscles begin to relax and the sciatic nerve will begin to heal. Thus reducing and eliminating your sciatica problem.

For additional information or to schedule a consultation call (909)982-9100 or visit

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