What is going on? Do celebrities live out a second life as someone else? Check it out!

2 years ago

#JimMorrison, #JimiHendrix, #AbrahamLincoln, #JFK, #JohnDenver, #PatrickBouvier, #Elvis, #ElvisTwin, #PrincessDi, #PrincessDiana, #ForABetterDay, #Revelations, #Secrets, #BestKeptSecrets, #MarilynMonroe, #ShirleyTemple, #VincentFusca, #FamilyGhosts, #AliceTraining

The first 4min and 19sec of this vid are mirrored from Carol Allen on #RubyRayMedia in a video titled
We Were Born to Fight for Your Right
You can see more iconic videos if you go to Ruby Ray Media and click on videos.

True history of Abraham Lincoln and his sons.
Parallels to someone else? You decide!

Did Elvis have a twin? You decide!

Check out some Family Ghosts and interesting titles from a podcast!
#TheDescendants, #TheReckoning, #TheStronghold

Check out some interesting info about #KobeBryant, #JonBenetRamsey
How about #ChesterBennington, #ChrisCornell, #Avicii, #TedBergling?

Did you know Jimi Hendrix was in the military and Jim Morrison's father was a high ranking naval officer prior to Vietnam breaking out?
Why did Jim Morrison stop making music, move to Paris and start writing poetry?
What Really happened?

Did you know Rush Limbaugh's father was a lawyer and a United States fighter pilot who served in the China Burma India Theater of World War II?

Why did Rush Limbaugh use the song from #ThePretenders all throughout his radio broadcast career?

Why were the "suicides" of people like #KurtCobain and #ChrisCornell predicted and placed in artwork?

What were they all trying to tell us?
Did they really commit suicide?

What are we all really here for?

See some interesting information including what numbers are out there/
What are they trying to tell us?

See a clip with Commander and Chief Trump on CNN, Larry King Live talking about his father #FredChristTrump's death and #JFKjr's death along with an #ExploratoryPresidentialCommittee! Really something!

Is all the world merely a Stage? You decide!

Sources found here,




Avicii Timeline and Advocate of Children and exposing trafficking found here,

Harsh Truth about Shirley Temple and Alice Training found here,

Cartoon predicting #KobeBryant's death


Info on Kobe's helicopter,

Pedogate playlist with full sources

Under 13 min. fully sourced and worth the watch for those tied in history to JFK, JFKjr, Marilyn Monroe and many others
The Long road to Montauk, Have you Seen the Script


Another Eye Opening Vid.
Are there ties that bind?

New Mexico Epstein's Ranch 111 miles in the center of it all. #Epstein, #EpsteinDidntKillHimself

Zook's Pharmacy a spy hideout in NM and a child found in a tunnel dead in NM #Tunnels, #Sunspot, #SunspotNM

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