Elijah... The Forerunner of the Lord ❤️ The Dawn of the Third Era... 3rd Testament Chapter 2-2

2 years ago

Text of Video Content in EN - DE - FR - ES ... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2016/09/18/das-dritte-testament-kapitel-2-the-third-testament-chapter-2-le-troisieme-testament-chapitre-2-el-tercer-testamento-capitulo-2/
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Elijah as a Forerunner of the Lord

26. I sent Elijah to return in the Third Era *), as I, as the Master in that Second Era, had announced, saying: “I say unto you, Elijah has come already, and they knew him not. I shall return to the world, but truly I tell you: Before Me, shall be Elijah.”

*) On September 1, 1866, (See Chapter 38)

27. And as all the words of the Master come to pass, in the Third Era, Elijah has come before Me to awaken the spirits, to make them foresee that the hour of The Holy Spirit shall open their doors, to say to every spirit to open his eyes, to prepare his garments to pass the threshold from the Second Era to the Third Era; and so that the manifestation of Elijah would be more tangible in this Third Era, I made him speak through a just man: Roque Rojas.

28. Elijah, from the Hereafter, spiritually enlightened this man, inspired him, strengthen him, and guided all his steps from beginning to end.

29. Truly I tell you: I did not come to choose Roque Rojas from among men. I sent him, sent his spirit, already prepared by My charity. I gave him the material form that I had prepared, and you know that He was humble, that through his humility and his virtue the Father manifested great deeds.

30. He was a prophet, a speaker, a seer, and a guide. From all of these He left a clear example to the people. He was mocked and ridiculed by his own people, as was Moses in the desert; He was persecuted, as was Elijah, the prophet, and He had to seek out the mountain peaks to pray for and watch over his people.

31. He was scoffed at and judged by priests and scribes, like his Master; and was believed and surrounded by very few, again like his Master; his hands dispensed balsam, performed miracles which raised faith in some and confusion in others; his lips spoke of prophetic lessons that were fulfilled to the letter and his lips knew to counsel and give comfort to those sick at heart.

32. His mind knew to conceive great inspirations and to raise itself with the ecstasy of the just, of the apostles, of the prophets; his spirit knew how to free himself from this world and his flesh, to penetrate the spiritual valley and humbly arrive at the gates of the Mysteries of the Lord, and by this elevation, the spirit of Elijah manifested himself to the first witnesses, before the coming of the ray of the Master. (345, 57 – 58)

33. Roque Rojas assembled a group of men and women of faith and good will, and there, in the midst of his first gatherings, Elijah manifested himself through the faculty of the Envoy saying: “I am Elijah, the prophet”, the same of the transfiguration on Mount Tabor. He gave instructions to the first disciples, at the same time that He proclaimed to them the Era of Spirituality and He foretold that the Ray of Light of the Divine Master would communicate with His people soon.

34. On a day when the humble dwelling of Roque Rojas was full of faithful followers who believed the word of that man, Elijah descended to illuminate the mind of his speaker, and inspired by Me, He anointed seven of those believers to whom He gave the representation or symbolism of the Seven Seals.

35. Later, when that promised moment of My communication took place, I observed that out of those seven chosen, only one kept vigilance awaiting the arrival of the Pure Spouse and that heart was that of Damiana Oviedo, the maiden whose faculty was the first to receive the light of the Divine Ray as a reward for her perseverance and her preparation.

36. Damiana Oviedo represented the Sixth Seal *). It was one more proof that the light of the Sixth Seal illuminates this era. (1, 6 – 9)

*) The text refers to the revelation of John the Apostle, and to the second – to – last of the Seven Seals, which define different periods forming the Lord’s great plan for redemption (See Chapter 38).


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