Warn! NWO fallen angels infiltrated in each intelligence agency to manage WW3 teleport to any nation

2 years ago

*** Intelligence news update from the Human Homo-Sapiens Race Survival Resistance (HRSR) headquarters and Republic Rebel Alliance battlefront (October 2022). Satan Lucifer's Illuminati NWO shapeshifting fallen angel devils, who have infiltrated each nation's intelligence agencies, and who are moving the world towards their World War 3 nuclear war plan, are able to teleport instantaneously to any location on the earth. Expose these people like journalist Peter Toth (Thoth) and actor John Lynch (Patrick Wilson). Warn all your church donators and God's spiritual army or have the blood of 6 billion people on hands. It seems like the massive invasion army of Nazi imperial space fleet clone army & android army & avatar army in American military uniforms they are teleporting into Europe and Germany to exterminate the human specie, may not be the Ceres planet Nazi 4th Reich, but it is the Nazi 5th Reich Atlantis Roman 13th Reich Shambhala Venusian Pleiadian Ashtar invasion army. There are many Nazi 5th Reich imperial space fleet clone & android & avatar army in German military uniforms in America to exterminate the human specie. They are teleporting and replacing entire military bases and their underground facilities with advanced technology facilities. They have replaced the entire military base with higher dimensional technologies. These Western feminist nations’ “Bible verses redefining women’s head coverings rebelling fallen angel head controlled” pastors and religious Christian hordes are completely silent about this and condoning everything. They are not the “Bible’s watchmen on the wall.” They are afraid of assassinations and ridicule from church donators, so they are willing to sacrifice the lives of billions of people and their church members to save themselves. End of transmission…

Photos at: https://mewe.com/i/chapihezver
Photos at: https://gab.com/humanracesurvivalresistance
Photos at: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100018513877047

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