Oct 2004 🎺 To a Jehovah's Witness... To deny the Son is to deny the Lord your God

2 years ago

Text & Audio... https://awakeningforreality.com/gebt-dem-sohn-preis-und-anbetung-brief-von-jesus-fuer-einen-zeugen-jehovas/
Video Playlist Trumpet Call of God... https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL73-eEs6JmCtgpDObQGYXYIo7HBgwnrGu
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Source... Official Website in englisch... http://www.trumpetcallofgodonline.com

The Lord explains… To a Jehovah’s Witness…
To deny The Son is to deny The Lord your God

October, 2004 – From The Lord, Our God and Savior – the Word of the Lord spoken to Timothy, Answer for a Jehovah’s Witness, and for all those who have Ears to hear

Question asked by Timothy… Lord, is it right to worship Jesus? Or do we worship God alone?

Thus says The Lord YahuShua, whom you call Jesus… It is written in your tongue, worship Jehovah God and God only. It has been written also, that God has sent His only Son to be unto men the New Covenant… The Way, The Truth, The Life. So I tell you a mystery… The Lord God is of Me, and I of Him; We are one, yet two, The Father and The Son.

To not worship The Son is to say I am not of The Father. So then, if what you say is true and I am not of God, then worship Me not. But if you know and believe that I am, then worship Me, and it shall be credited to you as righteousness. No one can get to The Father except through The Son. If you praise and worship Me, so do you The Father; I am of The Father. If you worship The Father and not Me, then you have not worshiped The Father; your worship is in vain.

The Father has ordained Me as The Way; Therefore, if you do not take The Way, where will you be?… Again, I say to you, I am of The Father and He is of Me…

Therefore worship Me, and you have Me and The Father also. Worship Me not, and you have neither The Father nor The Son.

Thus says The Lord God, to the one who endeavors to be a witness for My name…
Worship Me and The Son also. Do not worship The Son, and this I will hold against you as insult. For I have made The Son to be over all, and in all shall He be.

Not to worship Him is to deny that HE IS WHO HE IS, Immanu El; and to deny The Son is to deny The Lord your God. So then must I also deny you at the gates, for I do not know you. You are of hypocrisy, you stand divided against yourself, as you have divided The Son from The Father… Do not separate what can not be divided! To know The Son is to know The Father! Repent, therefore, and I will not blot you from My Book!

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