I finally did it!

2 years ago

Let’s face it, when we get out in the woods on a camping trip, there is nothing more satisfying than a campfire. A good fire while camping has been called “the television of the woods” and is known to be the only thing that scares the boogeyman away. A fire in the woods can save your life, cook your food, and boil your water. I have spent many hours in the woods watching a fire and have come up with plenty of new ideas while staring off into the utter amazement of a campfire. Fire can be relaxing and highly entertaining at the same time. If you ask any “survivalist,” they will tell you there is no one way to start a fire, which is the point of this section. Starting a fire is not hard if you know what to do. But, if you are not prepared and don’t understand the components of fire, it can become a challenging task. I will describe several ways to make a fire. At the same time, each example will have illustrations showing what is being done. Now, Let’s find out how to make your fire.


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