Greg Reese Report - Imminent Cataclysm and the (CABAL’s) Plan to Survive the 2046 Great Reset

2 years ago

(Note: Again, I encounter the BLACK SUN symbol. This Greg Reese video helps reinforce the meaning behind this personal premonition I had in 2020 (See explanation in paragraph below). The Black Sun, Templar Cross, Illuminati Pyramid, red cross symbology, human blood/DNA, Pharmacia, Adrenochrome, Nazis, Deep State, Secret Societies, the elite and there forth all have one thing in common, a secret and a secret Club and we are not in it. The key to their symbology, circles around this catastrophic event cycle. In order for these soulless entities to survive here or to survive these catastrophic events they need our lifeforce or souls because we humans have a direct connection to God/Creator. They cannot survive without us, time is short, and we are about to exit this matrix and nothing can stop what is coming, not anything. You awake, thinking for yourself, is their greatest fear. This is about PROTECTING our children. When the news is no longer trustworthy it is up to each of us to use discernment. When you are awake, you are able to clearly see. The choice is yours, and yours alone. Trust and put faith in yourself. You are not alone and you are not in the minority. Difficult truths will soon see the light of day. Truth, Transparency, and Equal Justice Under the Law. DRAIN THE [SWAMP]. 'Tis the Season of Treason! You have been prepared for what is about to take place. POWER BELONGS WITH THE PEOPLE. DARK TO LIGHT. “Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes”. God bless you. United we stand. NEVER STOP PRAYING.
WWG1WGA!!!!!! Have faith and trust in yourself. Marcum)

Mirrored – Fair Use
Oct 16, 2022.
Greg Reese Report - Imminent Cataclysm and the Plan to Survive the 2046 Great Reset
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(Note: THE BLACK SUN. Something or some force is leading me down this road of realization. I have had a recent rash of video clips that involved the Mandela Effect and now all the current Ukrainian issues with Neo-Nazis and the symbolism used, namely the Black Sun, as shown yet again in the above video clip and in the thumbnail above. Back in March 2020, I was playing at my last mass (it was the first or second Sunday of Lent before I was laid-off as a church musician because of the Covid restrictions) and a couple of hours before mass I started having symptoms of an aural migraine that I get from time to time, but not up to that point for many years. A strange phenomenon where you get random flashing light patterns in your field of view before the onset of a bad migraine headache. If I quickly take a Tylenol and lay down in a dark room it passes in a couple of hours without the resulting migraine. In this case it wasn’t random or a coincidence. For the sake of space, I believe this phenomenon is linked to your pineal gland and in this case, I had a fully resolved pattern of the Black Sun symbol in my field of view. At the time I had no idea what the pattern was, but reminded me of a symmetrical crop circle pattern. Later I spent hours researching crop circles and sure enough I found the exact pattern with even the distinct angles of the pattern facing the same direction. I believe that the Covid plandemic, death vaccine, NWO agenda and recent Ukraine events all have to do with the Neo-Nazis and these Black Sun occult Satanists. If you dig deeper, what force is behind the Satanists? I believe demons (fallen angels) use a hidden invading evil race of Reptilian type aliens as the intermediary interdimensional medium to possess us and project their will while manipulating us through our carnal desires, especially money, power and sex. Hidden technology and knowledge are manipulating us, denying our “free-will” and distorting reality towards their evil means (Mandela Effect). The key is what is being done in secret there involving all these corrupt politicians and the like. Gene Decode speaks at length about this Nazi cult still runs both the off world and everything on earth here, however I believe not for long, in this spiritual warfare, as these criminals and enemies of humanity are exposed. Marcum - MyCatholicRedPill)

Welcome to the Liberal Hive-mind (so who exactly are actually the extremists?) You can lump our Canadian Liberals as well including our present pope that supports these so-called "good" Catholics and their linked policies like Biden, Pelosi and Trudeau. The only logical explanation is what evil controls this extremist hive-mind? Marcum - (MyCatholicRedPill)
- Slaughtering children
- Grooming children
- Indoctrinating children
- Raping children
- Arming Nazi military forces in Ukraine
- Bioterrorism
- Forced medical experimentation
- Orwellian censorship
- Brainwashing and propaganda
- Racism against white culture
- Sexism against men
- War on Heterosexuality (Normality)
- Abolishing the Right to defend yourself
- Abolishing local and state police
- Election fraud
- Higher taxes
- More government
- Less freedom
- Woke corporate baby killing assistance programs
- SB 871 – would require all children 0-17 to get the COVID-19 vaccine to attend childcare or school without FDA approval. That bill also takes away any personal or religious belief exemptions,
- SB 866 – would allow kids 12-17 to get COVID-19 vaccine without parental consent,
- SB 1464 – would allow law enforcement officials to enforce public health orders,
- AB 2098 – would reclassify the sharing of COVID-19 “misinformation” by doctors and surgeons as unprofessional conduct that would result in disciplinary actions; and
- AB 1993 – would require all CA employers to require the COVID-19 Vaccine to work in the state, including independent contractors. And big penalties for companies who do not enforce it.
- Tens of thousands of world-class men and women across all five US military branches facing dishonorable discharge for refusing to take the experimental vaccine.

Trudeau and Biden have only two goals
(Forgot to add: while making tons of profits)

From the globalist GREAT RESET plan:
1)Everybody controlled through a digital passport.

2)Everyone gets jabbed right down to new-born infants
Just as Fauci stated in this global genocide plot.

YOU WILL OWN NOTHING (including handguns) AND BE HAPPY (for those still alive)


-Apparently the pope is on board and supports this. Wake up! Marcum – MyCatholicRedPill

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