Live UFO chat with Paul --080- GUFON Slandering and Lying Again + Alien in the BUSH + moon landings

2 years ago

#UAP #UAPS #offworldcraft #alien #aliens #fraudchannels
#UFOLOGY #AfieldofLies #misinformation #disinformation

Topics with Chapters (TimeStamps)
(0) complete after the show! its Live unscripted!

(rough time locations)
[00:00:00] (1) Gen Chat and wait for people to join the live show
[00:01:00] (1b) Coming up - Lies Extreme and new Slander claims
from GUFON + His Alien in the bush Re-Cap
[00:02:02] (2) Main Topics begins - A Initial chat about drugs and using them
and if OK to call someone a druggy if daily user of WEED
[00:13:00] (2b) Used google to see what they say from their search results
and weed use and found some interesting stuff on known affects of it
and DNA.
[00:21:00] (2c) Proving GUFON has a memory problem with his Email to Tyler
using FAIR USE small clips.
[00:27:00] (2d) Hater and also Abuser DBcopper defends his biggest Mate GUFON
claiming Paul is hypocrite no showing why? Not like he does.
[00:33:00] (2e) Claims verious people hes block are Pauls Friends?
[00:40:00] (2f) Talks about Mental claims on him while denying he said that about
Paul and Others.. CONTRADICTION laughable.
[00:46:45] (2h) The ALEIN with night vision and email in his own words.
[00:58:00] (2i) GUFON claims Paul lied about him emailing and other things clearly hes
wrong and making a laughing stock of himself. GabberBeastTV points out NLP
of the eyes proving is making up a story with some memory recall and misquotes things.
[01:10:00] (3) Slanders Paul Gender and MEDS claims etc all FALSE statements about him.
[01:18:20] (4) Pauls enhancements and overlays of a possible Palm and Plant Pareidolia
[01:30:20] (5) Hes saying him and Thirdphase and planning to strike channels to take Paul
and others out. This teaming up is against googles TOS,
[01:47:00] (6) GUFON still hasnt watch the hoax files documentary is making
a comment about it part 1 clip and claims attacking him about being a druggy.
[01:55:30] (6b) Part 2 - purposely shows the hoax files on a small screen unprofessionally
using smartphone.
[02:01:00] (6c) Why is a known Section 51 CGI still up on their channel if they changed
posted in 2021?? GUFON is shilling agian!
[02:22:00] (7) Paul points out his fans need to watch it fully to the end as they are
still clueless and taking GUFONS word on it all?
[02:52:00] (8) Debunk the noise of TPOM lastest video UFOs and claims.
[03:16:00] (9) Where does 18Wheels live and film UFOs over his house?
[03:30:00] (10) Look over UFOofinterest Scotts latest CGI debunks
[03:42:00] (11) Gabber and 18Wheels (Rabbit hole) Claim moon landings
faked so I try to go over some of claims again about them.
[04:21:00] (12) Scott Brando - Provide new info with a old video showing
the google earth was INDEED a water droplet yet we didnt find examples
of that last live. so Paul was wrong and confirms with examples of drops
on camera cover.
[04:37:00] (13) Last Item re-Cap the Stage Hand in Astronauts Visor.
Old Streetcap1 fake noise and show close examples and names of the
other Astronaut filming him being the reflection!.

Paul warps up for the night....

cheers Paul.

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cheers Paul.

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Thanks to the Following

Paul S. (Music)
Free Music Archive (creative commons music)
sometimes other tunes or a mix of 2

ALL footage used is either done under the express permission of the original owner, or is public domain and falls under rules of Fair Use. We are making such material available for the purposes of criticism, comment, review and news reporting

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