Eliminate The Distractions

2 years ago

We see them. We even have them in our lives. Distractions. Distractions can cause us to take our eyes off of God and His plan for us. It can also cause us to not see the truth in what is really going on around us. Guest speaker (pastor Kenneth's brother, Pastor Ronnie Pack) speaks on eliminating distractions around us so that we can be ready and prepared for our King.

---------------------------Used to make this video ----------------------------------------------

Photoshop - www.adobe.com
Adobe Premiere Pro - www.adobe.com
GIMP - https://www.gimp.org/
Shotcut - https://www.shotcut.org/
Envato Elements - https://elements.envato.com/
Canon XA-11 Camera - https://www.usa.canon.com/internet/portal/us/home/products/details/camcorders/professional/xa11

-----------------------Licensed Song Through Envato------------------------------------------
Item Title: Your Positive Inspiration
Item URL: https://elements.envato.com/your-positive-inspiration-HRFYLMB
Author Username: lucafrancini

Item Title: Inspiring Cinematic
Item URL: https://elements.envato.com/inspiring-cinematic-XA9Y45K
Author Username: ULB_Production

Song used under permission through Envato Elements. Check out their website for songs like this and more!


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