Circuitry In The Covid Shots- Confirmed

2 years ago

Israeli Dr. Shimon Yanowitz found worms, electric circuitry, and Bluetooth signals all coming from Covid-19 vials. This is for real, this not a joke or troll stories, we are truly at war! They've been doing this to rats for years folks. Now we are the rats. Please comment below. Discuss this! Start #Stop-the-Shots! Tell every pharmacist to STOP injecting people with a bioweapon that is murdering millions! They have got us on every level. The ONLY way out of this is UNITY and to Stand Strong Together and DEMAND the shots stop and hold those accountable for crimes against humanity. This is for real we are doomed unless We the People Revolt NOW. Now or never. Do not be ignorant and passive, Fight! Please do not be silent at your pharmacies injecting these death shots, tell them to stop it that you do not want a death site in your community where you shop! We should have stopped it long ago. We can no longer go along to get along. People are being. murdered in our neighborhoods!!

If you may be able to donate a 'Bit' of Bitcoin to help fund my research time to bring you this important information it is much appreciated here is my new Bitcoin address: bc1q059rem7c2zsja7ucc5twsu44gel7x2kelhplad

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