Special Encore Presentation Part 2 of Tell It Like It Is: The Kingdom Way

2 years ago

"Tell It Like It Is: The Kingdom Way" Apostle Bacer J. Baker who is a doctor in psychology with her brother Apostle Calvin Cook - The Tabernacle Being Lived Out.

"You have to make a decision to obey GOD... Not very many people have made Him Lord of their lives... We are members of each other... I got eternal life flowin' in me, and you have pure, holy, eternal life flowin' in you; then why would you want to express something unholy to me? Why would you want to express something that's out of the nature, and the character of the GOD you and I say we represent?... But it ain't Cal Cook speaking today, it's the word of THE LORD being presented to you"

#tellitlikeitis #thekingdomway #tabernacle #lifestyle #kingdom

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