Bersa thunder - double feed clearing practice

2 years ago

forget the tap and rack, check ejection port, lock slide, hit mag release while ripping out mag, shake, put in new mag, hit slide stop/release, fire. better us having a second gun for any double feed but practice anyway, on the Bersa i have tried tap and rack and found it to add unnecessary steps and it usually is slower to tap rack and twist method some use because many times the round will not come out, also doing a rack overhand or slingshot in emergency trying to clear a double feed your hand can slip so just by passing tap and rack go to slide lock, because to tap it makes no sense if the round has to come out, a tap rack isnt as efficient and you will have more errors, i have done this way for many years and gravity and a shake is your friend, but once again its better to have a second gun but train to clear malfunctions anyway so you know how to do it, may not ever need it but dont hurt to practice, just like your fire extinguisher you never used in decades but can you get it to work now instead of waiting for a fire, know how to use it now, same thing with a firearm

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