Episode 33: Conscious Parenting with Tanya Milano Snell

2 years ago

In today's episode, we will learn all about Conscious Parenting from former teacher and conscious parenting coach, Tanya Milano Snell. Tanya left her career as an early childhood educator to teach kids yoga and to teach parents and children (including herself) all about self-regulation. She was in a chronic state of stress and burnout from losing both her parents to cancer while raising her two young children. She found herself yelling at her kids and losing all passion in things that used to bring her joy. Now, she is supporting other moms that find themselves angry and close to snapping with her coaching programs and self-guided courses.

2:38 - Can you share a little about you, your family, and your story?
8:11 - How did you navigate dealing with your own grief while dealing with your children?
13:50 - What was the point when you decided to leave the classroom?
16:45 - What kind of environment did you have growing up and how did that impact the kind of mom you want to be?
19:50 - What is "Conscious Parenting"?
22:40 - How is conscious parenting different from gentle parenting?
25:50 - What is a "safe seat"?
28:30 - How do you stop yelling at your kids?
30:50 - What are the 4 parts of a trigger?
40:20 - How do you navigate when people don't understand why you are choosing conscious parenting?
47:25 - Do you recommend having conversations with people who don't agree with your parenting style?
53:17 - What resources have helped you to be a conscious parent?
58:00 - If you could give one piece of advice to a parent or teacher, what advice would you give?

Website: www.tanyamilano.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK4FVW_IjoatWgT4XhcJG4g
Instagram: www.instagram.com/findingominmom
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/213625859850179
Waitlist: https://tanyamilano.com/landing/om-in-the-home
Cosmic Kids Yoga: https://www.youtube.com/user/CosmicKidsYoga/videos
Om in You Home: https://tanyamilano.com/page/find-om-in-your-home
SafeSeat - https://purejoyparenting.com/safeseat/
The Crunchy Kid Learns the Emotions: https://www.amazon.com/Crunchy-Kid-Learns-Emotions/dp/B0948BV2JZ
Landmark Forum: https://www.landmarkworldwide.com/the-landmark-forum
BOOK - Permission to Feel: https://www.amazon.com/Permission-Feel-Unlocking-Emotions-Ourselves/dp/1250212847
BOOK - Peaceful Parent, Happy Parent: https://www.amazon.com/Peaceful-Parent-Happy-Kids-Connecting/dp/0399160280/ref=asc_df_0399160280/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=266184041033&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=11213502572486827526&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9007809&hvtargid=pla-436374615263&psc=1
Simplicity Parenting: https://www.simplicityparenting.com/
Free to Learn: https://www.amazon.com/Free-Learn-Unleashing-Instinct-Self-Reliant/dp/0465025994
Mindful Mama Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/mindful-mama-parenting-with-mindfulness/id716979718
Play the Forest School Way: https://www.amazon.com/Play-Forest-School-Way-Adventurous/dp/1780289294

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