Tune Into Me (October 13, 2022)

2 years ago

Hello Trillium Truthers! Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

In this video, I quickly introduce myself and the available platforms to keep Canadian Patriots connected. I then read the Word that was given to me on October 13, 2022. I made a blunder in the video and said October the 12th BUT my printed copy that I tend to read from had the wrong date. So, October 13th is the correct one! Apologies for any confusion.

In this Word, the Lord impresses on His wonderful Canadian people to unplug the distractions and start spending time with Him. He wants His people to know Him not know OF Him. He then discusses Alberta and the Eastern provinces along with waking up the province of Ontario. The Lord also call attention the school system and for parents to listen to and incline their ears to Holy Spirit on how to counteract evil agendas and protect the Little Ones. The Lord also talks about future plans of another Baby Boom and how His Earth is more than SUSTAINABLE! Amen.

Thank you for listening and God Bless!

For the written and typed out copies of this reading please visit the Trillium Truth blog here: https://trilliumtruth.blogspot.com/2022/10/tune-into-me.html

YouTube Version Here: https://youtu.be/lxus97nb0S0

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*Note: Intro music courtesy of https://www.bensound.com/. Thank you!

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