'CommonMark Ready Reference' book - Markdown tutorial and hacks for writers and authors

2 years ago

This book provides a MarkDown tutorial, hacks collection and a ready reference for the new CommonMark standard. (Kindle eBook is $0 and paperback is $4.) CommonMark is replacing Markdown as the de facto standard for low-markup text. The book's cover is designed like a quick reference card or cheat sheet for CommonMark or MarkDown.

Kinde eBook (₹0 or FREE) - https://www.amazon.com/CommonMark-Ready-Reference-ebook/dp/B08BW5ZY25/

Paperback ($9) - https://www.amazon.com/CommonMark-Ready-Reference-MarkDown-Tutorial/dp/B08BWFVTJ4/

A free grayscale quick reference card PDF and CommonMark executables are provided on my website: http://vsubhash.com/commonmark.html

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