One Piece Episode 1035 | Sanji vs Queen | Luffy Vs Kaido | FINAL FIGHT

2 years ago

As Momonosuke continues to react to the Voice of All Things, Shinobu begins to panic, allowing Kin'emon and Kikunojo to find them. Meanwhile, on the Live Floor, Chopper continues to protect everyone from Perospero's arrows. As he does so, he thinks back to a conversation he had with Caesar Clown, where the scientist offered to improve Chopper's Rumble Ball. However, the improvement comes with a side effect, which Chopper agrees to.

Back in the present, Chopper charges at Queen, but is forced to dodge a light beam, allowing Queen to regroup on the ground. He fends off an arrow wave from Perospero and is attacked again by Queen, but is able to force him off. However, as he attempts to dodge, he's grabbed by Queen again, forcing himself out and continuing to struggle.

Suddenly, Bao Huang announces the end of the duel between Luffy and Kaidou, declaring Kaidou as the winner. Across the island, various allies and enemies react to the news, and Bao Huang announces that Kaidou will re-enter the castle and begin cleaning up the remaining pirates and samurais. She offers the attackers the option to surrender and join the Beasts Pirates, though nobody accepts.

Meanwhile, Kanjuro arrives to Momonosuke's hiding spot, and creates a new Oden disguise. As he enters the hiding spot, both Momonosuke and Shinobu fall for his diguise, but Kin'emon and Kikunojo realize it's Kanjuro, holding the other two back. Kikunojo prepares to fight, cursing him for killing Ashura Doji, but she is stopped by her memories of Oden. Kanjuro takes advantage of her delay and stabs her, with Kikunojo falling to the ground.

With Kikunojo out of the fight, Kin'emon and Kanjuro prepare to duel. Kanjuro creates a stage for the fight, and Kin'emon angrily charges at him, forcing the actor back. The two think back on their time together, and Kanjuro declares that he needs to lose Kin'emon, his best friend on the stage, before falling to the ground, defeated.

With the fight over, Kin'emon returns to Momonosuke and Shinobu, but Kaidou suddenly appears before them, smashing through the ceiling. Kin'emon prepares to fight the Emperor as Shinobu and Momonosuke escape, and he's crushed by Kaidou's kanabo while Momonosuke watches.

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