Chlorite Quartz Phantom Chlorite Quartz Crystals Included Quartz Crystal Quartz Crystals Lodolite

2 years ago

Chlorite Phantom Quartz Polished Lens. Thisis a stunning crystal, full of phantoms and can be placed in a few diffferent positions.

Chlorite Phantom Quartz metaphysical Healing Benefits

Chlorite Phantom Quartz is a stone of transformation and regeneration. It brings energy to the base chakra, and helps to stimulate the reproductive systems. It is a protective stone that can be used to cleanse your aura and protect you against negative energy.

This stone works well with other stones in healing layouts because it amplifies the energy of other stones. This makes it an excellent choice when working with crystals for healing purposes.

Chlorite Phantom Quartz is a wonderful crystal to use for meditation because it will help bring clarity and focus. It also enhances communication between the mind and body, which can help you improve your health through positive lifestyle changes such as dieting or exercising regularly.

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