Legendary Lee Canady: Anita Baker & Al Green visited Lee's record store often

2 years ago

What would Al Green want to do in a record store in Detroit? Meet pretty girls. Al Green hit on the pretty girls at Lee's Monroe Music EVERY Saturday.

Did you ever hear tell of the great lady, named Anita Baker? Well, she shopped at Lee's Monroe Music. She remains a legend and still resides in Detroit to this day.

I can say that Lee Canady was Michigan's first black record store owner. Others came before Lee, yes, but Lee's was the first LEGAL record store (Lee paid taxes and bought records direct from the manufacturer [Lee was the first black record store owner in America to buy records in bulk direct from the manufacturer {the Detroit City Council in 2011 issued a Testimonial Resolution declaring and confirming this historic fact about Mr. Canady}])

Also, record shops (what we might call not-above-board shadows of above-board record stores) often sold stolen records (one can imagine that rampant theft drove up the price of records worldwide)

Lee led a respectable business. Lee paid his dues and even paved new routes along his way. Yes, Lee might say, "I did it My Way."

We still need to record that together. As of the writing of this blurb or description or sneeze of words, Lee and I are soon planning to record us covering Frank Sinatra's "My Way." I hope that goes well!


Legendary Lee Canady: Anita Baker & Al Green visited Lee's record store often



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