FNC with Dr Gary L Neal, SR Th D 10 14 2022

2 years ago

Dr. Gary L. Neal, Sr., Th.D. is the founder of Simply Redeemed Ministries, LLC, which provide formerly and currently incarcerated individuals with virtual and in-person life coaching in the areas of spirituality, leadership, and life skill components that will help create and provide them with a solid and sure foundation through Jesus Christ.

Dr. Neal, Sr. is the author of the book “Embracing Your New Beginnings” which consists of life lessons and inspiration to help individuals embrace their Christian life every day with new excitement and zeal. Through his book,

Dr. Neal’s desire is to teach individuals about the world God created for us, how our faith is woven into each area of learning, and how to find purpose and meaning through God's Will for our lives each day.

Dr. Neal Sr. is a retired police Sergeant from the City of Elgin, Illinois, Police Department, to which he proudly served 26 years. He is currently employed at the University of Florida – Shands Hospital in Gainesville, Florida as the Manager for Security Operations.

In addition, Dr. Neal, Sr. is the Associate Pastor at New Beginning Christian Worship Center in Micanopy, Florida.

Dr. Neal, Sr., earned his doctorate in Theology at the Adullam Bible College in Jackson, Tennessee, and a master of Art in Organizational Leadership from Judson University in Elgin, Illinois.

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