G4TV Gets FroskBitten! Shutters Doors, Fires Employees! Frosk Saved Because Of Politics?

2 years ago

When Comcast re-launched G4TV last year many were excited at a return to days of old watching video game reviews, tips and tricks, and just hot chicks having fun. Well with the relaunch of the network came new faces on old shows. Well one of those was none other than Indiana “Froskurrin” Black. Better known as Frosk. Well she had some opinions and apprently felt that during a live show was the perfect time for her to air her grievances with the audience of G4TV and needless to say it did not go well. Well months after that happened it looks like the chickens have come home to roost. Comcast announced that they will be shutting the network and only keeping a few people around to chose which re-run of Ninja Warrior they are going to put on. What a long way to fall. Lets find out the details.

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