ALERT! ALERT! This is nuclear war! Nuclear missiles fired at Lotus Eaters from Russia!

1 year ago

Caution: May contain occasional swearing.

This is not a drill. We are at war. Punches are being thrown. Nuclear warheads are flying over head. A challenge has been made. A man has been challenged to a duel! An honourable man! A man who must now choose between his honour and his chastity or rather that of his tittie and the other.

Lotus Eaters have not only made a mistake but two mistakes!

Sargon of Assad, must not go, has made a booboo and now deserves a good and proper spanking in his booboos!

Yet despite his pumped up gaseous plump form like a posturing pheasant we peasants I mean pedants must preserve his precious head!

This is a war!

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