A.I. "Smart Dictatorship" as a Means to Depopulate Planet Earth

2 years ago

Dennis Meadows, Club of Rome eugenicist and author of the highly influential book within supranational organisations like the UN, WEF, WHO, "The Limits To Growth" explains the Great Culling to be implemented in a "peaceful" way via a "Smart Dictatorship" (achieved via the "Smart City").

The Club of Rome's "The Limits to Growth" (1972) is flawed computer modelling pseudoscience to justify eugenicist depopulation:



Their unfounded claims behind UN Agenda 21 (depopulation to be achieved by 2100) & UN Agenda 2030 (one world government)

"Published 1972 – The message of this book still holds today [it does not but they are brainwashing populations]: The earth’s interlocking resources – the global system of nature in which we all live – probably [or probably not, but who cares, they will depopulate anyway] cannot support present rates of economic and population growth much beyond the year 2100, if that long, even with advanced technology. [no proof whatsoever of this].

In the summer of 1970, an international team of researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology began a study of the implications of continued worldwide growth.

They examined the five basic factors that determine and, in their interactions, ultimately limit growth on this planet-
1. population increase,
2. agricultural production,
3. nonrenewable resource depletion,
4. industrial output, and
5. pollution generation.

The MIT team fed data on these five factors into a global computer model and then tested the model under several sets of assumptions to determine alternative patterns for mankind’s future. The Limits to Growth is the nontechnical report of their findings.

The book contains a message of hope [for the deranged oligarchy who want the planet to themselves], as well: Man can create a society in which he can live indefinitely on earth if he imposes limits on himself [i.e. imposes limits on others] and his production of material goods to achieve a state of global equilibrium with population and production in carefully selected balance."

Download the book in pdf here.


Club of Rome founder Aurelio Peccei on viruses & sterilization as a means of removing " surplus humans" in "The Chasm Ahead" (1969).

Club of Rome founder Aurelio Peccei in "The Chasm Ahead" London 1969

The global elite have wanted to bring population growth down for a long time. Club of Rome founder Aurelio Peccei gives 3 solutions for the problem in 1969:

1. Biological "germ or virus"
2. "Mass sterilization"
3. "Elimination of all surplus humans"

Are we living out 1, 2, or all 3?


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